Chapter 30

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Alessio's POV

I've been going steady with Benjamin for about six months now. We still live separately since we didn't want to rush into things again.

Evelyn has picked up on our affection to each other and has been over the moon.

Today, I'm going at my parent's home to attend Matteo's birthday dinner. It's an adult only evening so I didn't need to stir the pot by refusing to bring Lyn

"Wow, look who decided to show up!" Aunt Kora remarked sarcastically

"Can you lay it to rest? I'm just here for my brother's birthday."

"You're in my house so you better respect your aunt and uncle." Dad stepped in

I just rolled my eyes and found a seat at the table furthest away from my parents.

"It's been a while Alessio. How are you?" Oscar asked

"Good, I've just been working and spending time with Lyn and Benjamin." I answered

"Is Benjamin doing well? You should bring him to Landon's Birthday party if he doesn't have a competition." Xander invited

"I'll ask him about it later."

"I don't want to be around him."

"You guys aren't even invited." Adriana told them

"Can we just keep the peace for Teo's sake? It's his birthday." Vinnie tried to defuse

We all agreed and attempted to start conversations that didn't end in an argument. It worked for the whole dinner. It wasn't until we were sitting around the living room eating cake that things became heated

"So when is your baby mom going to let us see our granddaughter? You know we have rights to see the child since we're the grandparents?"

"This could even work in your favor during the custody battle. What she's doing is parental alienation." Lorenzo told me

"Benjamin is a he not a she. He's also the father of my child not her mother. Lastly, there won't be a custody battle. My relationship with Benjamin is stronger than ever and Evelyn is really happy to see her daddy's getting along. If you ever want to see my daughter again you'll have to learn to respect both her parents. As it stands I have no issue keeping her from you."

"How could you deny her a set of loving grandparents?"

"Loving is a stretch. You don't care about Evelyn one bit. You only want to see her because you feel entitled to being in her life. From the get go you were rude to Benjamin who was kind. You weren't all that nice to Lyn so why would I let you be in her life? Evelyn has loving grandparents on Benjamin's side and that's more than enough."

"You're seriously holding two interactions against us?"

"Partially. While I can't forget the comments you made about my daughter, I also can't overlook how you talk about her father now. Evelyn deserves to grow up around people who respect her and her loved ones."

"You're weaponizing her against us!"

"I'm not."

"We can push for grandparent rights!" Dad yelled

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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