Chapter 17

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Alessio's POV

Benjamin left once he changed. I wanted to drink away my embarrassment but I refrained since I had Lyn. I did what I normally did when I got flustered by him. Which was lying in bed contemplating life after a very intense shower jerk off session.

That new incident occurred two weeks ago and I decided to seek out some guidance from a seasoned veteran.

"Hey, it's been so long. How are you?" Oscar answered the door

"Conflicted." I answered

"Well come inside and share."

I nodded and went inside. I came to Oscar because he's always been a neutral party who gives me great advice.

"Do you want coffee, tea, or alcohol?"

"I'm good with water." He nodded and tossed me a bottle from the fridge


"So what's got you so conflicted?"

"How did you know you were gay?"

"Uhm I'm not sure. It was honestly something I always knew. My father is a pastor so for as early as I can remember I was hearing about the Bible. I think I internalized my sexuality when I was eight. We were learning about marriage and how it's supposed to be a man and women only. No matter how much I tried I couldn't see myself with a woman. Even my church crushes were dudes. I was already the black sheep of my family so it didn't bother me to keep another secret. Why do you ask?"

"I think I like Benjamin." I admitted to him

"Very interesting." He smirked

"But I'm not gay. I like sleeping with women and Benjamin is the first man I've ever liked in this way." I rambled

"No shit you're not gay but you're sure as hell not straight. Sexuality isn't binary Alessio. There's more to the community than gays."

"Do you think I'm bi?" I asked

"I can't diagnose you with your sexuality. That's something you decide for yourself. You can continue living in denial and identify as straight or explore the other letters in LGBTQIA+. You could be bi, pan, queer, or even demisexual. Do your research and figure out what feels right to you." He recommended

"This is harder than I thought."

"It's not hard it's just uncomfortable. You have to be vulnerable with yourself in order to find real answers."

I just sat there with his words.

"Do you want me to tell Marcy to pick up Evelyn? He's on his way home now and she gets out soon."

"Yes please. I lost track of time."


Vinnie just got home with Lyn. She came in holding his hand with a really big smile."

"Did you like riding home with your Zio Vinnie?" I asked her

She nodded

"I'm glad she likes me. It's so hard to tell with how quiet she is. I hope it's okay that I bought her ice cream. Her teacher said she got in trouble for talking today during reading time. She was really happy to tell me that so I thought I'd reward our little porcupine." He told me

"Aw were you talking a lot today?" I asked her

She nodded with a smile

"Can I call and tell daddy?"

"Sure. Thanks Vinnie." I turned to my brother before stepping into another room

I decided to FaceTime Benjamin. He answered after a few rings. He was dressed in his competition clothes and wearing a helmet. He looked really good.

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