Chapter 23

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Benjamin's POV

It's been a month since I got grounded. I haven't spoken to mom or dad since. As a result mom and dad canceled my thirteenth birthday. They've cut back the number of lessons I get a week and talked to my coach about my behavior.

She isn't letting me compete until I apologize. She went on a tangent about how important it is to respect and love my parents. How thanks to their money I get to ride and compete. And now since I'm being unappreciative I don't get to compete on their dime.

I haven't spoken to Robbie much since the incident either. School hasn't gotten any better for me.

Shocker, I know

The girls from my grade have been treating me even worse since they all got in trouble for lying about me. They mess with my things, trip me, lie, and spread rumors about me. One of the girls even put gum on my hair. I ended up getting grounded an extra week because my parents thought I put gum in my own hair to get a haircut. They managed to get it out with ice and a long painful combing session.

"Bellamy you're wanted in the guidance office." My English teacher told me while handing me a hall pass

I went to the guidance counselor's office and sat in the chair across from his desk

"Hi Bellamy, I'm Mr. Swartz."

"Am I in trouble?" I cut right to the chase

"Not at all. I called you in here because your teachers have raised some concerns about your grades. I'm hoping we can get to the root of the issue so you can start succeeding academically."

"I hate it here. That's the root of the issue."

"What makes you hate Avila academy so much? I'm sure there's something I can do to make your time here more bearable."

"Can you change the uniform or make the other students treat me better? Didn't think so."

"What don't you like about the uniform?"

"I hate skirts with my entire being. The only reason my mother sent me here was because she knew I'd suffer."

"Why don't you like skirts?"

"Do you like wearing skirts?"

"I can't say that I do." He shook his head

"So what if you had to come into work everyday in a plaid skirt? In this scenario you don't get a big desk or an office to hide in. You have to share a table next to your colleagues. Your legs just out and about for everyone to see. Even though all the women faculty are wearing the same thing as you it still makes you feel uncomfortable and out of place. Now I want you to try to concentrate on your work while your skin crawls and your stomach churns. How well would you perform Mr. Swartz?"

"Not very well." He admitted

"That's not all besides being stuck in a skirt all the girls who should be your friends or at least acquaintances call you names like lesbo, d*ke, and my personal favorite f*gg*t. These girls write the same crude words on your desk, notebooks, locker, even on the back of your school uniform while you're in gym. They dump milk, water, food, and even trash on you. They accidentally bump and trip you when you try to walk away. They write fake love letters to your women teachers and sign it with your name causing you to get punished by the nuns for being a sick abomination. The same nuns who stand in the locker room to make sure you don't prey on the scared straight girls. And no matter how many times you tell them you like boys they don't believe you." I didn't realize I was yelling until I finished my rant

"Bellamy, I'm so sorry you've been dealing with so much abuse. I promise I'll do everything I can to remedy this situation. At any point in the day when you feel overwhelmed you can come to my office. No pass needed."

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