Chapter 21

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Benjamin's POV

"Belly mom and dad are calling you!" Rory yelled from the top of the stairs

"I'm coming!" I yelled

I got off my bed and made my way up to the kitchen. Mom and dad were sitting at the dining room table waiting for me.

"What is it? I haven't done anything."

"I know, your mother and I have been talking and we decided to switch your school."

"What? Why?"

"The friends at your current school aren't a good influence on you."

"That's not true!"

"It was their idea for you to trick your mother for the haircut, they've talked you into breaking curfew, sneaking out, and ditching school."

"It's not a big deal." I argued

"You're twelve Bellamy you shouldn't be doing any of those things."

"How is making me switch schools in the middle of seventh grade going to help? Do you know how hard it was for me to make friends at that school? Middle schoolers are mean and now I have to start over!"

"I know you're upset but it's for the best. Starting Monday you'll be attending Saint Teresa of Avila Academy."

"You're sending me to catholic school?! Dad do something!" I begged

"I'm sorry Bella but I think this will be a positive change. Avila Academy is the best school in the state. They're also partnered with your equestrian center so you'll be able to compete more. Your potential is wasted at your current school."

"Don't I have to take a placement test?"

"Your grades were enough to get you in."

"Dad this is just a ploy to get me in a skirt! Can't you see what she's doing?" I pleaded with him

"Bellamy we didn't decide this based on the uniform."

"I know you didn't but I can't say the same about her. She only cares about what those church moms think."

"Bellamy calm down."

"No! If you make me go to school that makes me wear a skirt I'll just fail!" I threatened

"If you fail You're not getting a horse for your birthday."

"You guys are ruining my life!"

I ran back to my room before they could see me cry. That was in vain since dad followed me down.

"Bella, don't cry. It won't be that bad. Most of the people on your team go to Avila Academy so you'll have friends there too."

"That's not the point! You know I hate skirts and dresses but you let that witch force me into one."

"This is about your future Bella."

"Why couldn't I be born a boy? Boys don't have to wear skirts to school. They get to wear pants."

"Not this again. There's nothing wrong with being a girl."

"I want to be a boy!" I cried harder

"I like you as my little girl." He tried to soothe me but I just started crying harder

"Look, if you give this school a fair chance I'll pay for your hair appointments so you can keep your hair like this. I also won't let your mother nag you." He offered in a panic

"Just let me stay in my school. I promise I'll stop listening to my friends."

"This school just makes the most sense. Rory's preschool is a couple minutes down the road and Weston attends so you'll all be dropped off and picked up from the same place. Next year Rory will start attending prekindergarten in the elementary school."

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