Chapter 15

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Benjamin's POV

Evie started school six weeks ago which means it's been six whole weeks since the kitchen incident. Neither of us have brought it up nor have we really spoken. Whenever we've seen each other the conversations were centered around Evie which is how I know he's avoiding me. Normally Alessio is eager to strike up conversation about anything but after what happened he only talks to me if he has to.

I'm at his house right now waiting for Evie to clean up her toys before we head home.

"You seem really tired." He points out

"Yeah, I've been traveling a lot for shows."

"Really? Then who's been picking up Lyn?"

"My mom and dad have been switching back and forth."

"Where have you competed?"

"Twice in New York, Michigan, and Connecticut."

"Damn, why so much?"

"Since I haven't competed this entire year I need to rack up some wins in order to qualify for larger shows." I explain

"What have you placed?"

"Always top ten or five."

"That's really good!" He complimented

"Thanks." I forced out

"You should take some days for yourself to rest."

"I know I just really need to be prepared for a horse show I'm competing in a week. My parents generously surprised me with a new horse. I love them with my whole heart and am super grateful but springing her on me last minute kinda screwed up my schedule. Thankfully they paid top dollar so she's show jumping ready but I've still had to devote a lot of time bonding and riding her this past month. Erebus is also jealous of his new sibling so he's been acting up."

"Have you gotten the chance to compete with her?"

"Yeah, she's amazing. I'm still getting the hang of riding her so she's not as smooth as Erebus yet but I know we'll get there. She came with a certificate of capability which made it easy for me to sign up for shows. She's a level below Erebus but I'm committed to getting them on the same level." I smiled thinking about her

"How old is she and what's her name?"

"She's nine and her names is Tempest because her coat looks stormy. She's a grey Irish sport horse. Her show name is Storm Cloud. Don't make fun of it because Evie chose it."

"Aw is she cute?"

"Yeah, she's just a big ole baby. I love her already. She's also nearly as tall as Erebus. She's only three inches off. That's why my parents got her. They know how much I love tall horses." I said as I showed him a picture of her

"Wow she's gorgeous."

"I know! I love riding her so much."

"Are your parents gonna watch Lyn again?" He asked

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch her next week?"

"Of course! I'm always ready to spend time with her. Will your parents wanna see her?"

"No, so she's all yours!"

"Are you okay with my sister scooping her up with the quads for a little bit? I don't get out of work that early everyday."

"As long as it's not your parents I don't care." I assured him

"Could we go up towards the end of the week to see?"

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