Chapter 6

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Benjamin's POV

Emiko brought Tori with us so she could encourage Evie

"I'm Evie's favorite cousin!" She bragged to us

Evie just giggled at her silly cousin

Tori is turning four soon so she a couple months younger than Evie. I wish she was a little older so she could be in the same class as her cousin

"Can I call you Zio?" She asked

"If you're parents are okay with that. It's fine by me."

"Yay!" She cheered

We reach the main office and I provide all her legal documents

"Is this the future Kindergartner?"

"Yes this is Evelyn."

"I'll need to take her to the other room so I can perform an evaluation to see if she'll pick up on the curriculum. You can watch from outside as I conducted her interview." The person explained

"Evie doesn't like talking but she knows sign and can write. Please give her a chance to finish the interview even if she doesn't talk?"

"Don't worry, her aunt explained the situation so that's why I'm conducting her interview. I normally work with the special needs students. I know sign. This is my first non special needs interview but I'll be just a patient." She explained

"Thank you."

Evie followed her to the other room and I sat down to observe on the flatscreen tv

"You can sit wherever you'd like Evelyn."

Evie sat down and stared at her

"So daddy explained that you don't really like to talk so I changed up the interview for you. There are two parts to this meeting. You can use sign or write for the first part. Then speak for the last portion. I want to give you the chance to get comfortable with me. Do you think you'll be okay with talking at the end?"

Evie thought for a moment then nodded

"So can you tell me your full name?"

She grabbed the chunky pencil and wrote her full name on the paper

"You write so neat. A lot of preschoolers don't know to stay in the lines. Good job Evelyn." She praised her

The interview itself was about three hours and by the end of it Evelyn was talking complete sentences. For the speaking portion she made her read and spell aloud.

"Mr. Prescott I just want to express how intelligent Evelyn is. I want to say intelligence runs in the family but it easy to tell how much effort you put into her schooling. If you don't mind I'd like her to join the current summer prek class so she can get used to the school. I think she'd be fine to start Kindergarten in the fall. I'll make sure to put her in a classroom with a teacher who understands sign as well."

"Thank you so much for taking time to interview Evie."

"Of course it was my pleasure to meet her. Let's sign the last bit of paperwork so she can be processed. She'll be good to start school tomorrow. The uniform for the elementary school varies by grade so prek and kindergarten wear white button down or collared shirt with khaki bottoms. It can be pants, shorts, or a skirt whatever you decide. Close toe shoes. We ask that shoes stay a solid color and don't light up. All the exits of the elementary school are painted a specific color and are numbered. Evelyn's is white because of her shirt color. Her number is 4 for now but at the start of the school year it may change if her classroom is closer to another exit. First and second grade has blue shirts, with khaki bottom. Third and fourth grade is red shirts with khaki bottoms. Lastly, fifth grade is when they come full circle with white tops but blue bottoms this time. The fifth grade door is white and blue to avoid confusion. Each parent has to make a pin that's associated with the child. If anyone tries to pick her up they'll need the pin and an ID."

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