chapter 7

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Seriously people, i was in my bed when i wrote that message to all my fans, look what you did, now i had to drag myself out of it to upload GRRR.... my sleep was ruined -_-


The week has passed and finally it’s Saturday. For the rest of the week, Avan and I have become really close…

“Avan, open the damn door!” I pounded the hard wood.

I think he has finally warmed up to me…

“I know you’re in there, you can’t hide from me!”I screamed

“Go away and stop kicking my door, you’ll break it!” he yelled from the other side.

Or not…

“I’ll pay for it later!” I am currently outside Avan’s house, trying to get in, but that boy won’t let me!

I heard some scuffling and a few shouts, and then finally the door opens. “Hey Devon, thanks for opening the door” he opened it wider and I walked in. There stood in front of me was a very unhappy Avan.

I pouted when I saw his face “Give up MJ, your family is against you.” I backwardly fist pumped Devon who stood behind me like a body guard. “What did you just call me?” he asked.

“MJ, your new nickname, it means Moody Jerk.” Devon let out a laugh and patted me on the back, which again caused me to stumble forward. “Good one.” He said.

“I am not-w-what are you doing?” Avan asked suspiciously.

“I’m giving you a hug; too much anger is not good for the body or the mind. So I’m cheering you up.” I grinned up at him as my arms wrap around his torso. In all honesty, I just wanted to feel his abs, hehe XD

Avan awkwardly hugged me back, laying my head on his chest Devon took this moment to speak “Well I’m going to go before this is no longer PG”

“Wait!” I called out to him; Devon stopped and waited for me.

“Do you want a hug to?” I let go of Avan and opened my arms for Devon.

Devon looked to Avan and then back to me, he then smirked and my smile faltered “Anything for you babe” the way Devon said that made me regret my offer, but I couldn’t back down because that would be mean. So I braced myself for a scary bear hug, but before Devon even could take a step, Avan wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest.

It felt possessive in a way but with Avan, I wouldn’t know.

“Devon, go away.” Avan growled at him, Devon smirked knowingly and raised his hands up in surrender and backed off. “Alright, but be ready in 15 minutes.” He said before walking off.

I looked up as far as I could to see Avan’s face “Where you going?” I asked, still wrapped in Avan’s embrace.

He just wouldn’t let me go.

“The gym, it keeps me active and keeps my mind of things.” His blindness I assume “And as you can see, Devon is my personal trainer since he his always working out.” He explained and then started tugging me up the stairs.

“No kidding, Devon is buff. It’s like his steroids…take steroids.” Avan actually laughed at that comment. It’s weird because whenever we are alone, Avan seems more open up and he actually acts normal around me. But in company, he just turns into his moody-self.

Avan knew where he was going, so we easily made it to his room. It’s hard to remember that Avan’s blind, when he walks so easily here.

As I stepped in his room, I’ve noticed his dog, curled up in a corner, asleep, but lifted his head up when he heard us enter.

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