TEASER!! coz i'm cool like that

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Hint: it's probably not what you think it is since Ciara is crazy....

I came back into my body, which was curled up in Avan’s side, who was playing with my hair. Then I remembered the ______ _____ and my world turned into rainbows and unicorns. I goofily giggled and hid my face in Avan’s neck. Who knew I would act like this after a _____ ____ ____from Avan, I did! I pretty much act like a hippy.

Avan chuckled, that arrogant smirk never leaving his face. “It’s go to know that I have an effect on you kitty” my response was a girly giggle. 


Ta Ta, won't be updating any time soon so don't bother coming after me coz i have Ciara on my side, you DON'T want to mess with a Ciara *shakes head* 

*happily waves at the mob below me as i ride away in a helicopter, but didn't know that the pilot was a fan and brought me back to land where i was attacked by evil fans who are unhappy campers* 

Later in the day....

"I must say...this hospital bed is awfully comfy" i said to my still furious fans that followed me to the hospital.

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