Part II

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“Oh shit!” Avan gasped and held the baby closer, making me scowl. I wanna be held like that!

“Ciara we gotta keep driving and then we got to ditch the car”

“Whoa! Hold it right there, why do we have to ditch my baby?!” I yelled at Avan which started to make the baby cry. I glared daggers at the thing as Avan tried to calm her down. My glare increased when Avan leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Where’s my kiss?!” I asked annoyed.

“Not now Ciara.” my scowl deepened but the smile on the baby increased. “We have to ditch your car because they saw the number plate. If they can kidnap a million dollar baby, then they can track your car and who knows they might just kill us.” I hate Avan’s logic, it’s just so…logical.

Mumbling a ‘fine’ I drove to the closest town. It was dark by the time I parked the car behind a store. Avan and I got out, he offered to carry our bags but as soon as I moved closer to the baby she started to cry so as a result, I have to carry the bags.

I regret bringing her so much.

As we walked down the street, I chose this time to voice my opinion about ditching the baby and leave her with someone else.

“No, we are going to call the cops. We are making sure she gets there safely.” Avan gave me the best hard stare he could. I accepted it like the great girlfriend I am, even though he was facing the wrong way when he glared at me.

 Sighing, we were waking passed one of those TV shops. Through the window I saw a newswomen talking though I couldn’t hear what she said. I was about to keep walking when the next thing she showed caught my eye.

Gasping, I dropped the bags and pressed my whole face against the glass. My eyes were wide as I called Avan. “What?” he grumbled.

“Our faces are on TV and the freakin heading says we kidnapped the baby!” I started to hyperventilate and Avan next to me wasn’t any better. He kept cursing even though a baby was right there. “Kitty, it’s going to be ok, we just gotta give the baby back!” he nervously laughed.

I went up to Avan and gripped his arms and started to shake him, not once caring about the baby that brings more trouble than me. “But what if they arrest us?! I can’t go to prison, I’m not good at making new friends!” I cried and wailed.

“Ciara just calm down! We’ll get through this.” Avan’s soft voice made me slightly calm down. Trying to control my breathing I listened to Avan as he came up with a plan.

“Ok, so we are just going to have to return the baby to the parents and then explain what happened.”Avan started to pace and I followed him with my eyes “We’ll even have Devon to testify that he saw us earlier and we’ll show the tickets that may get us in trouble but we’ll just say we were going to give them back to the man.”

Avan stopped and gave me a firm nod. “That’s what we’ll do but we have to hide from the cops. Something tells me that whoever put those pictures on the news must have some connection because there’s no way for them to get our faces, unless…” Avan started to lightly bounce Milly.

“Ciara, the pictures on the news, what did they look like?”

My brows furrowed, “They look like mug shots, ok only mine was an actual mug shot.” Stupid criminal files “And yours looked like the one in the cabin but a really close view so they can only see your face and if I do say so myself, you look incredibly charming in that picture.” Avan smirked

So why the hell did they have to pick a crap one for me?!” I screamed at the TV. Consider it lucky that the window was blocking me or else that TV was going down!

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