chapter 14

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It's been almost two months since I met Avan and we haven't moved forward other than the occasional almost make out session. Pity really, but not anymore, now I'm going to take it up a notch, since Avan won't take the first step.


Yeah, no.

Actually in the morning because right now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is school so I need a good sleep to survive. I don't want another accident of me sleeping school; the rumors about me were horrible. People think I have narcolepsy, well I guess it was my fault they thought that since I just drop down and pretended to sleep.

That got me and Avan out of class; he carried me while the teacher guided him to the nurse's room, where I slept off my episode. The nurse told me to cut it off and sent me to my next class; I hated her from then on.

Anyway back to my sleep.

Sigh, I love my sleep....and no stupid dog would ruin it today; I hope he's having fun in the backyard with a muzzle to stop his stupid barking.

Checkmate Fido, I smirked in my sleep.


I jolted awake, gasping for air. Sweat went down my neck and forehead as I remembered my nightmare, but this wasn't any ordinary nightmare. This had Avan in it.

It was the most, scariest thing ever, all because....

I had a gun to Avan's head!

I must make sure he's alright!

Pushing the covers off of me, I dashed downstairs to the front door. Quickly putting on my jacket and sneakers, I ran as fast as I could to Avan's house at 3 in the morning. With no time to lose, I rushed to his front door and picked the lock with my hair pin I found in my pocket.

I pushed the door and was about to close it with a bang, when I suddenly remembered that Avan had told me that if I were to come to his house in the middle of the night that I should call him first, so he can say if I could come over or not. Ok then, Avan's wish is my I closed the door lightly and went to his house phone, picking it up, I called Avan's phone.

I patiently waited to hear the ringing from upstairs, my feet slowly started to unconsciously walk to his room. Then the ringing stopped followed by an "Ello" Avan groggily said, "Avan hey, yeah can I come over?" I asked as I climbed up the stairs.

"What's it for Kitty?" Avan mumbled.

"I had a bad dream and I wanted to know if I could see if you're ok" I told him while waiting outside his room. Rocking on my heels I waited for a reply, Avan groaned and said "I'm fine kitty, since you are talking to me. Now go to bed" Avan abruptly hung up, leaving me standing outside his door.

I pulled the phone back and stared at it...Um; does that mean I can come over? I should probably ask Avan, yeah, that's probably the smartest thing I've ever done. I'm so proud of myself!

Best to announce my arrival, wouldn't want the family to think I'm a robber. So I ran back downstairs and opened the front door and then slammed it shut. "Avan!" I shouted through the house and I swear I could hear groans coming from the rooms. Ignoring the rest of the family, I made my way to Avan's room.

I still had to make sure he was alive after my nightmare!

Running upstairs, I was completely relieved to see he was alive and sleeping with a pillow on his head, probably to block out the noise in this house. Letting out a breath, I ran towards him and when I was close enough, jumped on his back.

Avan groaned and turned over, I fell to his side where I snuggled close to his chest. "Kitty next time, call from your own house." Oh...guess he heard my footsteps, but at least I listened to him "Also is this going to be happening often, because my family wants to know if we should move further away" Avan pulled me closer.

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