Twenty one

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Louis P.O.V

The day went by much faster then the others. It seems, that time with harry stops but in fact it is just speeding past us and were not even realizing. After harry and i talked and joked around during tutor time, i carried on with my school day like normal.

When harry and i passed each other in the hallway we would spare glances and smiles at each other. Liam, Zayn and Niall kept nagging me with questions regarding me and Harry, after every time we walked past harry or saw him and he looked in our direction, niall would jump on my back and asked me if i saw that.

Now i was sat next to harry on his sofa, back at his cottage, trying to complete some science questions that harry printed off on sheets for me. I mainly spent my time reading the question and information over and over again, then starring at the answer space hoping that something will happen without me doing anything. But of course nothing happened.

"I don't know." I exclaimed as i put the sheet of papers and pen on the coffee table in front of us. I then turned away from harry and put my face in the cushions beside me. Wanting to give up doing the work as my brain doesn't want to work with me and think of an answer to put.

"What don't you know?" harry asked as i remained laying down. "All of it." I said but it came out muffled from the cushion covering my mouth. I gestured over to where i assumed the table was, that had the papers laying on top, because i couldn't see what i was doing.

"Come on, show me what you don't know and ill help." Harry spoke as i felt him pat my thigh, even after his hand left i felt his touch linger there. I slowly but surely sat back up straight, and looked over to harry, who had slight rosy cheeks as his hands laid on either of his thighs.

Once he felt my eyes on him, he moved his hands to reach out for the papers. Grabbing them and handing them back to me so i could show him what i needed help with. I pointed at the first question on the sheet which was to fill in the missing label of a heart.

"Louis that is the easiest question." harry said looking from the sheet then to me. I watched as he tried to hold his smile in but it obviously wasn't working. As his smile slowly but surely crept onto his face. "Maybe to you its the easiest question but to me its not." i mumbled out as i played with the drawstrings of my joggers.

"Oh." i shouted out a bit louder than i anticipated, which resulted in not only scaring me but also harry. We both laughed as we made eye contact, before i carried on with what i was gonna say. "You are also a teacher which i most definitely think you have more knowledge then me." i finished off saying.

"Yes your right, for me to become an English teacher i had to take science in uni." Harry rolled his eyes before laughing. "Ugh your mean." i said as i shoved harry by the arm, which he barely moved from. Wow i need to work out more.

"Okay so this side says its the right atrium," harry said and pointed to the labeled diagram. "So what would this side be," he said as he pointed to the opposite side. I just starred blankly at the paper before looking back at harry and shrugging. "Louis are you serious, its the left atrium." harry said to me like it was the most easiest thing.

"But its not though, that's the right side not the left." i explained getting even more confused. "Louis all heart diagrams are shown how you view it in someone else's body. So if i hold it up in front of my heart," harry did just that and held the diagram in front of his heart. "this is what my heart looks like right now." i sat there taking in everything harry was saying to me.

I managed to get a few more questions of biology done after, with the help of harry telling me what to do the whole time. "Lou, what science do you struggle with the most out of the three? or do you just struggle with all of them in general?" Harry asked me as i placed the finished sheet of biology questions on the table.

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