Twenty three

517 15 14

Louis P.O.V

The next few days seemed to pass by fast as now it was already Friday, and at the moment i was in last period, which was English with harry. Wednesday and Thursday went like normal, going to school and then going to Harry's after, kissing a bit and doing work that he gave me and then the next day doing lessons and then doing football training.

It seems that now my nerves have kicked in for later. As i couldn't stop fidgeting and the butterflies in my tummy wouldn't calm down for one second. Zayn kept trying to reassure me and calm me down all day while Niall just kept on laughing at me and making up scenarios that mostly led to me embarrassing myself and ruining the date, which was great help, thank you Niall.

This lesson harry was just revisiting 'A Christmas Carol' that one of the exams is based off. He was running through the key quotes and information that would be useful in our tests. As we were copying the remaining notes on the board, i flicked my gaze over to where he was sitting to see him look up and meet my eyes. A smile etched on his face, as i smiled back before looking back sown at my notes as i felt the blush creep up on my cheeks and my tummy erupt again in happiness and nervousness.

I was writing down the last sentence as the next second the bell was ringing and the scraps of chairs and chatter of the students filled the room as they closed their books and got packed up. Harry dismissed us and told everyone to 'have a lovely weekend' before he started to collect the books from each desk.

Liam, Zayn and Niall said they would wait by my car for me, so i was left alone in the classroom with harry. Harry approached me with the pile of books in his hands, i placed my book on top, as we both held smiles on our faces.

After harry placed the books in a neat pile on the shelf, he made his way back over to me. His arms lay losely around me, as my hands are in the middle of us, scrunching up his shirt between my fingers.

"So ill cook something for us and you come to mine around 5, is that okay?" Harry asked as he looked down into my eyes. "Yeah that's fine, i'll make up something to tell my mum." I answered, before we both said 'bye' and left with a small peck on the lips.

I traipsed outside into the cool air, and spotted not only the boys by my car but also someone else. I started to head towards them, as i wanted to find out who that person was with them. I heard them talk, making me stop in my tracks, i groaned and rolled my eyes. which made the boys look up at me as the person had their back to me.

"What?" The person asked and followed the boys gaze turning around to face me. "Oh hi Louis," they said as they beamed at me. "Hi Eleanor." I replied, fake smiling at her as i unlocked my car, walking past her and opening up the drivers door. "Louis do you mind giving all of us a ride?" Niall asked and winked at me, i shot him a confused look, but then i understood what he was doing. "Yeah sure."

Zayn and Liam rounded the car and got into the back seats, while Niall sat down in the passenger seat. I remained standing outside the car, waiting for Eleanor to say anything but it didn't look like she was gonna speak anytime soon so i did. "Do you need anything?" I asked her, making her look at me, "Oh yeah, i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out, but i can see your busy." She said as she looked at the boys in the car, who had now wound down the windows and are waving at her.

I do worry about them sometimes as I tried to hold back the laugh that just wanted to slip out because in this moment it was too funny. I looked back at Eleanor to see that she moved closer, so I stepped back and opened my car door, passing my bag over to Niall who put it next to his on the floor.

"Maybe we can hang out this weekend?" She asked, at the moment she was being really desperate. "Sorry i cant I'm busy all weekend, and i have a date tonight." I said as i came up with a plan in my head, the boys whispers came to a stop and Eleanor stood there shocked as she took in what i said. 

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