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Louis P.O.V

The squeak of the classroom door opening, caught everyone's attention. Silence invaded the room, every student turned their head looking towards the noise. A tall figure strolled in, my eyes trailed up and down his body and damn was he hot. Boots, black tight skinny jeans, button up shirt showing of his chest (some buttons undone) and long curly hair.

His gaze around the room finally landed on me, I felt the air in my lungs escape me, leaving me breathless. His eyes starred into mine, his crystal green eyes shimmering in the light. They were hypnotising me into a trance as we kept our gaze. I watched as he smirked at me before looking at where he was walking too. I blushed and looked down, smiling at myself. I looked back up to see all the girls and some boys in the classroom all looking at the man, their jaws were dropped and they were starring wide eyes. I heard a few girls start gossiping to each other but went quiet again when the headteacher walked into the classroom.

"Afternoon students" the headteacher spoke deeply looking round at us. "Afternoon" we replied still starring at the man, who was standing behind the desk. The headteacher, Mr Cowell, cleared his throat which steered everyone's attention to him. "Now I have your attention, I would like to introduce you to your new teacher" he had a small fake smile on his face looking at the new teacher. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" He asked the new teacher.

"Sure" he spoke softly with a smile placing on his face. Damn that one word he spoke affected me a lot, his voice is like chocolate smooth and addicting. He walked out from behind the desk to stand in the middle of the front part of the classroom. "Hi, my name is Mr Styles and I am going to be your English teacher for hopefully the rest of the year" he spoke with a smile lighting up his face. He looked like an angel. I didn't realise I was starring until he made eye contact with me again, I smiled and blushed looking down again. I turned to Zayn, to be faced with him smirking at me. I gave him a questioning look and he just shook his head smiling before looking back to Mr styles. Damn even his name is hot, the way it's repeating in my mind is wow.

"I'll let you get on with your lesson" Mr Cowell said walking towards the door. Before he walked out he turned around "if you have any trouble come and get me".

"Okay I will thank you sir" Mr Styles spoke and gave a nod to Mr Cowell. He then walked out shutting the door behind him.

Everyone's head turned back focusing on the Greek God that stands in front of us. "So how about this lesson we just get to know each other?" He questioned sitting down on the front of the desk. All the girls nodded their heads, to speechless to speak. He looked round the room before saying "how about you guys say your name and something about yourself?, okay let's start at the back shall we".

People were talking but I wasn't listening I was too busy starring at Harry. I felt someone elbow me and I turned to look at Zayn, he leaned in and whispered in my ear "you're starring" he pulled away and I mouthed a 'thank you' to him before looking around to who was speaking.

"Hi I'm Eleanor" she said smiling "and I really like this boy, but he keeps rejecting me" she spoke looking over in my direction. I rolled my eyes before facing forwards again. I saw Zayn roll his eyes and let out a moan before looking at me. I looked towards Harry to see him already looking at me. He gave me a quick smile and damn my heart melted, I smiled back at him. I swear I looked like an idiot, oh well.

It was finally Zayns turn "I'm Zayn and I like to hang with my friends and not waste my life" he said silently laughing and me joining in. Everyone's attention turned to me, I looked around and my eyes landed on Mr styles. I looked away and steadied my breathing. "I'm Louis Tomlinson and I can't wait to finally leave this school" Zayn and me laughed again. I looked up at Harry after to see his face light up, I heard him chuckle and omg that was enough to make me shiver at the noise. He looked away and stood up "so now I know a little about you, how about you guys ask me question and I'll answer. So you guys can get to know me?" He looked around the room and mostly everyone was nodding. "Okay so who wants to ask me something?" He questioned, seconds later all the girls shot their hands up. Mr Styles started answering the question that were asked.

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