<16>:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

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You all know the drill for commenting so make a girl happy. I love seeing what my fans have to say!!<333333

P.S. I have changed one thing within this chapter to a human thing so please do not comment saying that I am wrong. I have purposely changed it.

:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

Chapter 16

Stretching, I let out a yawn and I open my eyes feeling pain in my arms when I move. The sight of the white hospital walls makes me want to gag. I almost forgot, almost, that I was still in here.

My dream had been so perfect. Just Draco and I. Nobody else there to bother us. Walking along a beach somewhere, we held hands and smiled the entire time. I can slightly remember him stopping us and leaning down to kiss me before he asked me to be his. If only my dream were real. Oh wait, it is. Oops. Silly me. Maybe I did hit my head in my accident.

"Good morning dear.", a voice suddenly says pulling me from my thoughts and I look up to see Madam Pompfrey standing at the edge of my bed with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Madam Pompfrey."

Nodding, she comes closer and hands me a handful of pills. I eye them conspicuously before downing them with a gulp of water. All I can feel is pain as I swallow, but I try to hide it.

"They are for the pain. I had heard you moaning from what I am guessing is pain a few times during the night."

"Oh. Thank you.", I say with a smile.

"You are most certainly welcome. Now, you are also free to go whenever dear. I do suggest that you get plenty of rest tonight though. Your body has gone through a lot, and as you can tell, you have bones that need time to heal.", she says as she points to the white cast on my left arm. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that. Hehe, silly me.

"Okay. Thank you again."

"No problem. Good day dear.", she says and walks away with the swivel of her hips. I roll my eyes and look around the room. Lain out on a chair next to my bed are a set of clothes for me.

Throwing the covers off of me, I grab them and go to head to the bathroom when I start to feel dizzy. Slightly falling, I go to grab the wall but am stopped.

"Whoa. Easy there tiger. Take it slow.", says that one voice that lifts my smile. Wrapping my arms around him I say,

"Oh. Draco! I missed you."

He laughs and moves me slightly. I hold onto his arms and he leads me to the washroom.

"As have I. Now get changed so I can get your accident prone butt to the lunch hall. You need food."

Right as he says this my stomach growls and I blush scurrying into the washroom. Setting my clothes on the sink, I look at myself in the mirror. Green/Blue eyes look back at me with black and blue underneath them, and deep in these eyes I can see pain. Loads of pain. I also see love though. Love for the one forbidden person. Is that going to stop me though? No.

Sighing, I take off the night gown and put on my bra, along with the other clothes. An orange shirt, white tank top, and black skinny jeans. I wonder who brought this? Probably Hermione. She always knows that I like.

Running my fingers through my mess of hair, I decide to throw it into a bun. Taking a hair rubber off of my wrist, I tie it up and then slowly proceed to exit the washroom.

Draco, looking as handsome as ever, is sitting in the window seat staring. Just staring. Walking closer to him, I wrap my good arm around his chest and put my head on his shoulder. A very audible sigh escapes his lips before he turns and pulls the rest of me into his embrace.

Smiling, I breathe in his scent. The familiar smell of mint leaves and grass hits me, and I feel happy. Pulling back, he kisses my head before saying,

"Well, are you ready?" I nod and he stands up, pulling me with him.

"Away we go beautiful.", he says as he holds out his hand for me. I blush and take his hand as we walk out the infirmary and into the empty hallways.

"Did you get my note last night?", he asks suddenly. Looking up at him, I nod yes and smile. He laughs and says,

"Good. I had to sneak it to you before somebody saw my owl. He is a loud one when he wants to be."

A laugh escapes my lips and following that is a series of coughs.

"Are you okay?"

Nodding I say,

"Yeah. My throat is just sore is all. Madam Pompfrey already told me that I should expect pain for at least a week."

He nods and pulls me down the halls. The moving pictures all greet us with heart-felt smiles and I shocked. I guess they have seen the new Draco too. I can't even tell you how many times Hermione has told me of the evil ways of Draco Malfoy, so I am pretty sure that the pictures have seen him in action. Hence, the word seen. He is most definitely not like that anymore. Well, to me anyway.

Reaching the entrance to the lunch hall, Draco stops me and smiles before touching our foreheads together and saying,

"Ready to show the world?"

"If your by my side, then yes."

He nods okay and pulls me into a kiss. A very deep and loving kiss. My breath is taken away and as I go to kiss back, he pulls away and does his famous smirk that I adore.


I nod once and brace myself for the worst. It won't be that bad will it? No. It can't be. I guess we will see.

**Short chapter....I know, but I cant stay on the computer for long so please be happy. I hope that it was good.!<3**

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