<13>:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

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Shout-Outs To:






Pre-Warning: This chapter is short!!! Please do not complain. I am home sick, yet again, like actual sick. It sucks. :( Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes. I am writing from my iPod.

I do not own the characters in this story, only Laila, who is my own creation. All rights go to J. K. Rowling. However, this story is copyrighted, therefore it is illegal to steal my work. Please follow the laws and be courteous.

:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

Chapter 13

What if I was too late?

This question runs through my mind again and again as I sit next to Laila in the infirmary. Her heart beat is normal, as is her breathing, but she is yet to wake up.

It's been exactly 8 hours since I brought I her up here here. 8 hours since I thought the love of my life was dead.

The sight of her not breathing was heart breaking. I couldn't remember the last time that I had cried, but I definitely did then. Her face was just so blue and she looked so life less. Not like now.

She looks almost normal now. Her skin is an alabaster cream color again, her hair is shiny, and her lips are full and pink.

Now if only she would wake up. Kissing her forehead, I close my eyes and send and wish for a miracle.


A soft, warm substance constantly runs through my body as my mind sorts through things.

I keep recalling past memories and some of them confuse the hell out of me.

The picture of a man about the age of 25 holds a little baby girl in his arms. He has a mop of black hair and dark eyes. He is beautiful, but has a sense of mystery behind him.

He coo's the baby girl, and I can see the she looks like him in some ways. The sparkle of their eyes, their button nose, their smile, and most of all their blood bond. They are both dark creatures.

As this memory fades, another comes and I see the man and the baby once again, but this time they are in a different place. The dark haired man and the blond girl, now aged around 5, walk alongside one another.

The man in a black clock and the girl in one that matches. As the the man takes moves his hands and casts a soell using wandless magic, the little girl realizes that she is not normal. She may not be normal, but she doesn't know yet that she is going to live an extra unordinary life. She is, after all, the daughter of Lord Voldemort.

Okay, so this chapter is Lind of boring but it shows what Laila see's while she is out of it. These are all memories of hers.

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