<12>:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

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So, I kept to my word. Here is the new, eventful, important chapter! I hope you like it!

Dedicated To:


Shout-Outs To:






First 5=shout-out


I do not own the characters in this story, only Laila, who is my own creation. All rights go to J. K. Rowling. However, this story is copyrighted, therefore it is illegal to steal my work. Please follow the laws and be courteous.

:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

Chapter 12

“Please have a seat miss Maddox.”

I nod and sit down in one of the chairs in front of her large desk. She sits in her chair and sets her hands on her desk before saying,

“I have some not so pleasant news for you.”

I nod and she says,

“I have just recently found out that your parents have both died in a fatal head on car crash.”

That did it. My parents! No! not my parents! I start to sob and hide my head in my hands. I didn’t even get to say goodbye or I love you! How can god be so cruel! My parents mean everything to me, well for as long as I’ve known them. You see, nobody knows it, but I am adopted.

“I’m sorry dear.”

I nod my head and when I go to get up she stops me and I can already tell by the look on her face that she has more to tell me. Great! What the hell else can she bring on! I mean, it’s not like she found my real parents or something crazy like that. People have searched and searched, and nothing. It’s like they are untraceable or something. Strange. Definitely strange.

“I also have some other news for you regarding your parents. You may enjoy this, but this may upset you even more.”

Slowly I nod and wipe away a tear with a tissue that she hands me. I look up at her and I can see this weary look in her face. This almost…scared…look. What does she have to be scared of?

“We were able to find your real father.”

“You couldn’t have. They searched and searched. The people before basically told me to give up trying. They said that he was unreachable. What do you mean you found him?”, I almost yell getting more and more upset as the time goes by. 

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