<17>:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

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I do not own the characters in this story, only Laila, who is my own creation. All rights go to J. K. Rowling. However, this story is copyrighted, therefore it is illegal to steal my work. Please follow the laws and be courteous. 

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A new chapter will be up sooner than last time. Sorry for the wait everybody.

:To Love A Death Eater://Draco Malfoy Love Story\\

Chapter 17

As we make our way into the crowded lunch hall, our hands hold onto one another and we both ignore everybody. Glares come our way along with stares, open mouths, and wondering eyes.

 I should have figured that dating the Slytherin prince would result in this. You want to know what though? I don’t care. Draco supports us and doesn’t care what people think, as I do, so that is all that matter. 

We get a mixture of looks from the Gryffindor’s as I lead Draco down to the end where I sit with the gang. Squeezing my hand, Draco smiles at me and I feel at ease. I have no clue whether or not my true friends will except us but I can only hope.

“Guys. I have something to tell you all.”, I saw as I sit down next to Hermione. I pull Draco down to sit next to me before continuing. Let’s hope that they don’t freak. All eyes are on me with curiosity in their eyes as I say,

“Well, I’m with Draco now and I hope you all can except us. He truly has changed.”

I hear a lot of okay’s and then Draco speaks up and says,

“I understand if you all hate me. Especially you Weas….er Ron. The things that I have done in the past are now only in the past and they will never happen again. I now get why you all hated me. I would have hated me too, but my head was too far up my arse for me to realize that. I’m sorry.”

I can see  multiple people’s mouth drop open as these oh so kind words escape Draco’s mouth. I don’t want to even imagine what is running through their minds right now. I have heard many stories from Hermione about Draco’s past, but I am pretty sure that I didn’t hear of everything.

“Well, I am willing to forgive you Mal…er Draco. I am not entirely sure that you have changed but if you were nice enough to end up getting Laila, then you are okay in my eyes. Just don’t do anything to ruin my trust.”, Hermione says and I can hear extra authority in her voice near the end. She is very protective of her loved ones.

“I understand and I will not let you down Hermione. I’m sorry for calling you all of those nasty names before. I have no clue what was wrong with me.”

She nods and smiles at him before going back to her food. Over by Ginny I see a very pissed Harry. His hands are clenched into fists and I can almost see smoke coming from his ears. 

I nudge Draco’s arm and pull his ear down to my mouth as I say,

“I think something is wrong with Harry.”

He nods and says,

“Hey Harry. What’s crawled up your butt?” I hear multiple laughs come from mates at out table and I smile waiting for Harry’s answer.

“Maybe your mother.”, Harry says and stands up. I see him smile at me and then glare at Draco as he disappears into the hallway. Well that was just pleasant.

“Hey Draco!”, Ron yells for him. He really has no reason to yell but yet it is Ron after all.

“Yeah Ron?”

“I didn’t know that Harry was doing your mom.” I can hear a sarcastic tone in his voice as he says this with a laugh. Our whole table erupts in laughter and it feels good knowing that my mates except Draco and I. Now nothing can come between us.


“Hey Mione, are you ready to go have that talk?”, I ask as we most of the Gryffindor’s are gathered around the common room doing god knows what.

“Sure. Just let me go ask Harry for his invisibility cloak.” I nod okay and pull on my boots and hoodie. Hermione appears in the room a minute later with the cloak in hand. I smile and join her under the magical piece of cloth.

We make our way down the empty corridors and outside without getting caught. How we did it, I have no clue. Hermione couldn’t control her giggling very well so it’s a miracle that we didn’t get caught.

“Okay. So what are you needing to tell me?”, Mione asks as we both take a seat on the grass. I pull a few pieces between my fingers and stare out at the lake before talking.

“First, about Harry.”

“What about him?”

“He has been hitting on me a lot lately and giving me these really creepy looks. Yesterday, he had hit on me and started running his fingers up and down my legs.”

“Are you serious?”


“Okay. I’ll talk to him.”

I nod and continue.

“Now for my ‘parents’. After I found out about their death, Professor McGonagall told me some very nerve racking news.”

“Like what? You are freaking me out La.”(pronounced Lay)

Here goes nothing I guess. What’s the worst that she can do? Freak? Oh boy.

“My father, my real father is….Tom Riddle.”

Her mouth drops open and before she can say anything something happens. Behind her stands a newly formed cloud of dust and a cold gust of wind. She jumps up quickly and comes over to my side as the now hooded figure removes his mask.

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