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To Love A Death Eater

Chapter 3

To say that our rooms were big would be understatement. The room that I share with Hermione and this girl named Ginny, who I now know is Ron's sister, is huge.

The room is equipped with three twin size beds with Gryffindor colors and signs all over them. There are two windows in the room, one by my bed and one by Ginny's, with black floor length curtains. There is a bathroom connected to the room with a shower and two sinks, a miniature fridge in the main part of the room with a small couch, and a TV. It's really nice.

When I first walked in the room, I went over to the bed that I wanted and happened to find my school clothes, which is a back vest, white shirt, a Gryffindor scarf, and an all black skirt. To go over all of this, we all have floor length gown like capes. We also have the option to wear black jeans or black dress pants with a shirt matching our houses colors. I may end up doing that a lot of the time.

The outfit itself, wasn't very bad but not my normal style. I personally don't like having my bare legs showing so this skirt is going to be annoying.

I throw myself onto the bed as the girls both begin unpacking. I can wait for another time to do that. Right now all I wanna do is sleep off this food.


I awake several hours later to the sound of a high pitched squeal. I jump up, alarmed, and find Hermione by my bed with a piece if parchment in her hands.

"What in the world is wrong now Hermione?" Ginny come rushing over to my side. She snatches the parchment from out of Hermione's hands and gasps. I look at her in question and say,

"What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. It's just the fact that you have the same schedule as me, Harry and Ron. We have every single class together and you have like 3 with Ginny."

"Oh, well that's a good thing. Can you try not to give me a heart attack next time? I was rather enjoying my sleep." She rolls her eyes.

"Sleep is for the weak. Now come on, we should go do something. Do you wanna go into town and grab a bite to eat?"

Me and Ginny both say yes so we all end up grabbing our stuff and heading out of the room. I make sure to grab my wand and stuff it down the side of my boot. 

I rush up to Hermione's side and we make our way down the long staircase. This place is truly amazing. All you have to do is think of where you want to go and the staircases will move in that direction. There is that and then there is the fact the newspapers all have live pictures on them and then the pictures hung up in the castle all move. They actually move as you walk past it. Kind of creepy but yet really cool.

Once we reach the main part of the school, we find Harry and Ron leaning against one of the walls talking. Hermione runs over to them and into Ron's arms. They hug for a few seconds and then she turns and ushers me and Ginny over to them. I trudge behind a bit, but when I get over by Harry he sends me this huge smile and to be honest, it scares me a little. I truly do not like him for some odd reason, but I can't figure out why. He just has this bad aura to him.

A shiver passes through my body as he eyes me and winks. "So how do you like Hogwarts so far Laila?"

"I really like it. There are so many interesting things here."

"Yeah. You will feel a bit overwhelmed at first until you get used to all of it."

"I had a feeling. Those creepy moving stairs already got to me and then moaning Myrtle."

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