I. The Satan's Pit

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Jefferson, Rose, the other crew members and I back away as the Ood advance.

"Back up to the door!" Jefferson yells over his shoulder.

"I shall become manifest." the Ood says.

"Move quickly!" I yell.

"I shall walk in might."

"To the door!" Jefferson yells before we are all backed up against the door. "Get it open!" Jefferson yells.

"My Legions shall swarm across the worlds..." the Ood says. Suddenly, the whole base shakes, causing me to grab onto Rose to keep us both steady. "I am the sin and the temptation. And the desire. I am the pain and the loss and the dead will come" the Ood says.

"Get that door open!" Jefferson yells as the Ood near us. I hold up one of my guns, after putting the other one into my holster, whilst the crew and Rose are desperately trying to open the door but it won't budge and Jefferson joins me in aiming his gun at the advancing Ood, but they ignore it completely. "I have been imprisoned for eternity. But no more." the Ood say.

"Door sealed." the computer says.

"Come on!" Rose exclaims.

"Door sealed." the computer repeats, and I stare at the Ood as they get nearer and nearer but with no hope with the door opening, I begin getting scared as I stare at them all.


The Ood advance towards Jefferson, Rose, the other crew member and me. "Open fire!" Jefferson yells and he and the guard fire at the Ood, whilst Rose cowers and I walk over to her and bring her into a hug to protect her from the bullets.

Before long, the Ood all fall to the floor as they're now dead and I rush over to the bodies and grab a communication device. "Doctor?" I ask but there is static and no reply. "Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor? Ida? Are you there?" I ask.

"Open door 25." the computer says and Jefferson and the guard spin around, guns raised and ready for whatever will come through the door, but it's only Danny. "It's me! But they're coming." Danny says.

"Close door 25." the computer says.

"It's the Ood. They've gone mad." Danny says.

"How many of them?" Jefferson asks.

"All of them! All fifty!" Danny exclaims.

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