I. Army of Ghosts

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"Planet Earth

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"Planet Earth. This is where I was born. And this is where I died. For the first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever. And then I met a man called the Doctor."

"Run." the ninth Doctor whispers to her as he grabs her hand.

"A man who could change his face. And he took me and my sister away from home in his magical machine. He showed us the whole of time and space. And my sister turned out to be just like the Doctor, a woman who could change her face. I thought it would never end."

"How long are you going to stay with us?" the Doctor asks Rose as he looks up at her as the Time Lord and Lady stand next to her. "Forever." she tells them.

"That's what I thought. But then came the army of ghosts. Then came Torchwood and the War. And that's when it all ended. This is the story of how I died."


The TARDIS materialises in a corner of a children's playground on a bright sunny day and Rose is the first one to get out with a big and heavy looking rucksack with her.

"Mum, it's us! We're back!" Rose calls when we walk into the apartment.

"Oh, I don't know why you bother with those phones. You two never use them!" Jackie exclaims as she walks up to us. "Shut up, come here!" Rose says and brings her mum in for a hug. "Oh, I love you." Jackie tells her.

"I love you!" Rose replies.

"I love you so much!" Jackie says the Doctor and I try to walk past them. "Oh, no you don't. Come here!" Jackie pulls away from me and kisses the Doctor on the cheek. "Oh, you lovely big fella! Oh, you're all mine."

Rose and I watch the scene in front of us before we burst out laughing. "Just... just... just put me down." the Doctor says when he gets pulled into a hug as well.

"Yes, you are." Jackie says before suddenly letting him go and pulling me into a hug.

"Nice to see you, mum." I tell her, returning the hug before letting go. I begin laughing slightly when I see the Doctor's face after mum kisses his cheek. "Not a word about this." the Doctor says to me, with a pointed look as he walks over to me. "No. Never." I say before kissing him on the lips, causing them both to smile before pulling away and walking into the living room with Rose. "I've got loads of washing for you. And I got you this." Rose says after giving Jackie her rucksack and brings out a small gift for mum. "It's from the market on this asteroid bazaar. It's made of, er, what's it called?" Rose asks, turning to us.

"Bazoolium." we answer.

"Bazoolium. When it gets cold, yeah, it means it's going to rain. When it's hot, it's going to be sunny. You can use it to tell the weather." Rose tells her.

"I've got a surprise for you and all." Jackie tells us.

"Oh, I get her bezoolum, she doesn't even say 'thanks'." Rose complains.

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