15* Real Cultism I

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Don't Y'all love my new cover 😩😩😩❤❤❤ Stardust_Wendy made it 💜💜💜

Why did y'all want to kill Wale in the last update?

And y'all be wilding with your conspiracy theories 😂😂😂😂

This keeps escaping my mind but y'all should check out vickyraee's book, Tints And Shadows! It's a great book and Vicky is really doing a good job with it.

And, a little, just a tiny-winy bit of triggering content ahead 👉


I couldn't even count the number of times I've read and reread the final draft of the article I was going to post first thing on Monday morning.

It was perfect and captivating and it was probably the best non-investigative article I've ever written. The article was the groundwork, it was just laying the foundation for when I was finally going to hit the nail on the head.

And this? It was just going to make people come out with their stories and all.

A girlish giggle interrupted my thoughts and I whirled sideways to see Tania lying on her bed with her phone as her sole focus and from her expression, I needed no soothsayer to tell me that she was chatting with Seyi.

Such hopelessness.

We were in her room, which was a first because we were always in my room but my roommate was around and she was busy turning the whole room upside down in search of God knows what so I left the room for her because I needed absolute peace to put finishing touches to my article.

Tania's room, just like mine and every other room in Moremi Hall was very big and spacious that it could accommodate even six students conveniently. The rooms were painted in a light shade of blue color with the two beds in the room placed against the wall and opposite each other. It was more than a division-kind of thing, whoever takes the right side has their bed, wardrobe, study desk there, and vice versa.

It was the first time I'd be coming to the room since Dunni moved in and I was in awe of how fastidiously neat her side of the room was and almost all her stuff was in beige; her shoe rack, her bedsheet, the wallpapers on her wall. And there were a thousand and one pillows and teddy bears on her bed and it made me wonder how and where she'll even sit on the bed, not to talk of even lying down.

And my best friend's bed on the other hand was just a mixture of all colors. It was a typical example of let me just use anything I see.

"Tania," I called out to her but I doubted she heard me at all because she was busy staring and smiling and giggling at her phone.

God! I shook my head at her expression, then silently prayed against whatever forces would make me look like that.

"Tania," I called out again and this time around, she muttered a very quiet hmmm with her eyes still slowly focused on her phone and that smile not leaving her eyes and lips for even the tiniest seconds.

Only Allah knows what he's always saying to her that she was always smiling whenever they were chatting or even whenever she was talking or thinking about him.

"Tania," My answer this time around was that she spared me a glance, the tiniest glance before she went back to her phone and I couldn't help the low hiss that escaped from my mouth.

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