*Mini-Chapter*: Getting more Sponsors

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*Inside of the Capital at Beatrice and Finnick's Victor's room the next day as they watched the games*
~Third Person's POV~
The very next day in Beatrice and Finnick's Victor's room on floor 4 they were both watching the games since there tributes were dead yet but they needed to get Cassie some more sponsors so that she can survive not knowing what kind of deal she and Cato made with President Snow so Beatrice left to find sponsors and Finnick did the same thing these games was going by very fast. He'll want the game makers downstairs to start the finale of this year's games.
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~Beatrice Gambon's POV~

Oh god I gotta hurry and find sponsors to save my sister she's the glue to our family

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Oh god I gotta hurry and find sponsors to save my sister she's the glue to our family..... As I was finding sponsors for my sister I assume Haymitch was doing the same for his tributes who weren't dead yet these games were going by to fast my our liking half of the tributes are already dead so the Victor's get to go home if there tributes die but those who are still alive those Victor's stay in the Capital until there tributes are dead in the games and right now there's only a few of them left the pair from 12, the careers, Cassie, her tribute partner, fox face from 5, and the pair from 11.
"I gotta find more sponsors for Cassie she needs help," I said to myself as I passed by Haymitch who held a drink in his hand talking with his friends from District 11. Then I found more people to help support and send parachutes to my sister I'm sure our mom is freaking out into hysteria.
This will end sooner or later....
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~Finnick Odair's POV~
These games are going by really fast and that's bad.... I of course had to help Beatrice find sponsors for Cassie even though she's holding up rather well on her own while with the careers but that girl from 12 was doing also really well on her own there's something different about her life and these games are dangerous every year including the Quarter Quells. I was a mentor and I know that an uprising throughout the 12 Districts would happen soon.
"Hey Finnick why is Beatrice running around," the Victor from District 5 was asking me as I responded that the games will be ending quickly.
This is what we Victors are about....
*skip to when Beatrice was at the Capital's strip club with Gloss waiting for her by the entrance*
~Third Person's POV~
At the Capital's strip club Beatrice was "working" finding sponsors for her sister while Finnick was doing the same thing and as she was finding people to save her sister Beatrice danced on the poles for her customers and then while dancing Gloss danced his way up to Beatrice Gambon to speak with her and catch up with her.
~Beatrice Gambon's POV~

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