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Request: Can you please make a story where Stefan believes in Santa and Matt and Tyler bully him for it. And one day Matt says something that goes too far (idk what hehe you can pick) and Stefan starts to cry. Elena then comes and finds Stefan and comforts him. And apparently she believes in Santa too and Elena soothe Stefan and makes him happy again. (Season 1 or 2 please)

Author's note : I'm already sorry for this because I think it's not going to be really good as I'm going into it without any substantial idea lmaooo 😭✋🏻 so I am apologizing in advance lol 💀

Stefan's pov :
Christmas was coming and I was really excited about it. It has always been my favourite holiday since forever. When I was a child Mom used to bake me a lot of cookies and Santa used to put gifts under the Christmas tree and we all used to be happy. It's a holiday that gave me comfort and made me feel safe and warm. I was just chilling out in the grill when matt and Tyler entered and sat besides me. We were talking about something when matt mentioned Christmas and I started talking about how I'm really excited for Santa this year, as I have always been. Matt started laughing at me and Tyler looked at me with disbelief and a bit of mockery. " Dude.. Hold up .. Did you just say you are excited for Santa?? Like Santa claus.. The FICTIONAL man?? " "You don't know if he's real or not.. " I said .. Feeling judged. "He is not real OH MY GOD- I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE THIS DUMB! " Tyler said and started laughing at me. " STEFFIE PROBABLY BELIEVE TOOTH FAIRY IS GONNA COME AT NIGHT AND TAKE STEFFIE'S TOOTH DOESN'T STEFFIE ? " Matt joined in and they both started laughing at me loudly and I got glances from all the people sitting there. I was beyond embarrassed and went away. "God he's such a baby. " I heard Tyler laugh as I left. I reached home and sat down on my bed remembering how mother told me she loved me and Santa does too.. She never lies. She couldn't be wrong about this and I believe her.. But still.. This doesn't make me less embarrassed about the fact that my so called friends just humiliated, mocked and made fun of me  in front of I don't even know how many people. I felt hurt. I remember the boys of my school making fun of me for believing in Santa too. But I always told them that's what my mother has told me. I believe in Santa because I believe in my mother.. She does not lie to me and she has not lied to me. Even when she was on her death bed, she told me that she was going to die. I cried for hours and hours and it sure did hurt like hell but still she did not lie to me giving me false hope that would later on crush me even worse. She told me the truth and tried to make me strong. She was a great woman and I know she would never lie to me.. Even if it would have crushed and broken my soul. She wanted me to grow strong and all I am today is because of her. I refuse to believe anything she said was anything but the truth. I believe in Santa and it doesn't matter if they do or not. But I felt hurt because I considered them my friends and didn't expect them to judge me and humiliate me and make fun of me like that. I reached home , opened the door and saw Elena in the kitchen. I felt her eyes on me but I sped to my room with tears in my eyes and closed my door. I lowered to the ground with my face in my hands and cried.

Elena's pov:
I saw stefan  open the door and come inside and greeted him with a huge smile but he walked past me, right to his room. He looked upset. I followed him upstairs and heard sobs.. His sobs. "Stefan! Oh my god.. Are you okay?!! Hey what happened?? Open the door!!? " I banged my fists at the door, worried about him.. "L-leave me alone " He croaked in a broken voice and sobbed. "Stefan please.. Just.. Open the door.. Let me be with you.. " I said in hopes of getting to him and I was right .. He opened the door and I saw him looking vulnerable and his face was full of dried up tears and his red rimmed eyes were full of tears threatening to escape. He was trying to put on a strong face for me but I could feel his sadness and despair. I hugged him tight as he buried his face in the crook of my neck and let the tears go.. He knew I would never judge him for showing emotions.. That's what makes us human.. Well.. Like humans.. And vampires have heightened emotions.. He feels more hurt than humans. It's hard to always build walls around you and create a tough exterior. He was breaking down in my arms. I asked him what happened and he told me everything with sobs. "Hey.. I believe in Santa too.. It doesn't matter what they think. " I cupped his face gently. " I- I know but.. " " I understand stef.. It's okay.. I believe he's real and I don't care what they think, you should not listen to them .. It's okay to believe in things others don't if it makes you happy.." "My mother doesn't lie .. I know he is real " He sobbed but soon calmed down in my embrace. " Shh.. I know stef.. It's okay .. They're stupid college jocks anyways " I said and he chuckled a bit. We then sat down and started planning Christmas. He was just as excited as me and i was so happy.

Author's note : omg this sucked lowkey and I warned you😭✋🏻 but anyways I really hope y'all like it ( at least find it tolerable fr lmao) it's like my brain refused to give me any sort of ideas rn 👁👄👁.. Anyhow have a great dayyy :)

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