the voices in my head pt 2

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Author's note : I think this story makes no sense but because I started writing I'm gonna complete it hshsjs I'm sorry if u hate it 💀

Elena's pov:
Tyler, Caroline, matt, bonnie, damon and I were sitting around having fun. It was homecoming It felt good but there was a hole. Stefan wasn't here with us. Probably out with klaus killing people. I know he didn't want to.. But he did , for me, for us. He called me last night. He said nothing but I know it was him. I could hear him crying. My heart broken just thinking about it. All of a sudden I hear the door open and I saw klaus.. My breath hitched but what made my hueart jump was the person with him.. Stefan.. But he didn't look like the Stefan I knew .. Klaus threw his limp body to the ground.. He was covered in blood. His shirt bloody near the abdomen torn.. His ames head and neck bleeding, his chest bruised.. Why wasn't he healing?! He looked so pale.. Has he not fed?! What's wrong with him? Did klaus bite him? He wasn't even looking anywhere. He kept murmuring "stop no more, I'm sorry" He had trails of tears down his cheeks.. He started pulling his hair and screaming.. Shaking uncontrollablt bringing his knees to his chest and squirming in pain. Something made me feel like the pain he was feeling emotionally was breaking him more than the physical pain. He looked so young, helpless and broken. I kneeled beside him and cupped his face gently but he didn't feel it and kept wailing for the pain to stop, " PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" "Shh.. Stefan.. I'm here, what- what happened.. Calm down" I feel tears filling my eyes at the sight of him. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?!" Damon asked him "Nothing more than what he deserved" He said as he started telling us what he did to Stefan. I gasped at the thought of the amount of pain he must be going through. "You see I know now why I wasn't able to make hybrids up till now. A glorious witch, pun intended, gloria told me that I need your blood " He pointed at me. " And since you're alive, we won't have a problem. Would we? " " JUST STOP THIS! HE'S LOSING HIS MIND HOW CAN YOU-" I screamed at him " Shh love.. I'll help your little boyfriend, he just needs to learn his lesson, although, I do know a way you can help him " I looked at Stefan lying in my arms trembling, sobs wracking his frame as his skin felt hot against mine. "TELL ME" "Just come with me.. And I'll leave everyone you know alone.. Just be my human blood bag " Before I could say anything damon stepped in front of me " SHE WILL DO NO SUCH THING! "  I can't not do this.. I can't tolerate looking at Stefan in this condition anymore.. I cup his face gently and caress his cheek as I look into his eyes and say to him, " It's okay.. You'll be okay.. " With a light smile and I am shocked when I realise he finally saw me ".. E-elena?? "

Stefan's pov:
I feel so much pain I can't see or hear anything.. I just see faces and hear voices of the people I've hurt. Visions of horror, of pain. They torture my mind and I claw at myself thinking that that would ditsract me from everything going on in my head . I don't realise how much time has passed but it feels like an eternity . I feel like I'm freezing. Like my insides are burning and being twisted around. I feel my heart being engulfed by sorrow. I can't take it anymore. " PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" I scream, I don't even know who I'm saying this to.  "Shh Stefan.. I'm here.. Calm down" I hear a voice.. Not one in my head.. I feel hands on my face.. Who is this .. I hear this person's voice and my heart starts to calm down.. But then she stops.. Or maybe the voices in my head grew too loud.. I can't hear her.. I can't feel her.. I need her.. The pain came back.. Worse than ever .. All of a sudden I feel the same gentle hands cup my face, the same soothing voice telling me it's alright.. That I'll be okay.. I know her.. I love her.. Elena. I don't let myself think this is real because if it's not, I'm going to break, but I can't help but have hope .. "Stefan?! It's me.. Elena.. You're okay.. Oh my god you're okay " She hugs me tightly and I feel the screams in my head become whispers, the visions fading away.. I feel okay.. More than okay.. I feel safe.. I'm home.. Elena's here.. " What the hell? "  Klaus murmured and I remembered how he compelled me.. I feel there's no strength left in my body. " He resisted compulsion.. " I hear damon say  " He resisted compulsion because of you" Caroline chimed in and Elena looked at me with tears in her eyes kissing my forehead.. I just realised I had been crying to and I bury my face in the crook of her neck because I'm so tired and this makes me feel so safe .. I feel free.. At peace.. But I can't help but cry at the things I've done. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." I think Elena understands what I'm feeling because she takes my face in her hands and softly kisses me.. "It's not your fault Stefan.. None of it is , I love you.. Hold on to that. " I hug her once again and don't think I'll ever want to let go. Suddenly I hear Klaus coming at me and he grabs me arm , pulling me away from Elena.. There's no strength in me to fight, he bled me dry earlier and one blood bag had barely closed my wounds when he assaulted my mind with memories and I had to hurt myself to try to snap out of it. "HOW DID YOU DO IT?! " he yells at me and shakes me roughly , then suddenly his grip becomes loose and he leaves my hand and clutches his head and groans in pain.. I turn to see Bonnie doing a spell on him and damon rushes towards him and stakes him in the heart, I know he's not DEAD dead.. But it still gives me relief.. I feel like I'm passing out when Damon catches me and Elena and Damon support my body and take me to a car where I lay down in Elena's arms , "Stefan.. It's okay.. You'll be okay now.. You just have to drink blood .. We'll be fine.. I love you " " I love you so much " I say hoarsely and she kisses me and I feel something I haven't felt in months .. i feel like I'm worth something, I feel loved, I feel warm, I'm safe.. I'm home.. She's my home .

Author's note: this couldve been worse but sucks enough as it is but never mind I still hope y'all like it 💞

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