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Request: i think I got a good idea. you should do a part two on this imagine with like tyler and matt apparently took pictures of stefan while he was hanging there and they posted them on their Instagram or any other app. . and when he sees them he becomes embarrassed and sad at the same time. so when he comes to school the next day everyone is mean to him and giving him small wedgies all day until elena finds out about what's going on and she yells at everyone and takes care of stefan

Author's note: this is a part 2 of the wedgie thing

Stefan's love: today was a new day. Yesterday I went through so much humiliation but at least no one saw me.. Only elena and Damon, who I trust completely.. And of course Tyler and matt. I still can't process why they would do this to me but I just think they're horrible people. Damon did beat them up for this and not gonna lie, that thought did make me smile to myself. I suddenly got a text from elena that she has some place to be for Jeremy and so she will be joining in the 4th period.. that made me kind of sad, obviously, I will be all alone, with no friends, until she comes along.. The 4th period is not that far, I thought to myself and thought it would be okay.. how bad could it be anyways.. I went to school feeling a little nervous about everything and as soon as I reached there I saw people giving me glances all the time and laughing about something.. I tried to ignore it as much as I could but it started getting really annoying. I went to my locker and when I opened it I saw that it was full of pictures.. Pictures of me hanging from that branch with the wedgie unconscious, hands tied. Oh my god- Tyler and matt took pictures of me in that position when I was passed out.. Everyone has seen them.. They all know now.. They're all laughing at me.. I even see that they posted the pictures on their Instagram when one of the guys pass by me liking them.. I can not believe this.. I'm so embarassed I can literally feel my cheeks burning red with humiliation and I can't look at anyone while they keep pointing at me , calling me names, laughing and mocking me.. Then they all start coming towards me pulling my underwear up a few times, giving me small wedgies. I try to shoo them away and am tempted to use my vampire strength but can't because that would risk me and all of Damon getting exposed. I see matt with a black eye and Tyler with an arm sling as they laugh at me with a few other jocks I'm beyond humiliated as they keep doing it until I push them off and run away to the restroom. I sit there crying , not caring about anything, not caring about how late I get and how many classes I miss. I just feel exposed and humiliated. I think about how it's on the internet for anyone to see. Literally anyone. I wish I could compel them all to forget it but that isn't possible. I pull my hair as bury face in my knees and crawl done to the floor, crying at my own helplessness. Do they think this is actually funny??? How do they not understand that this will damage literally so much of my time here. Everyone probably will know me as the dumb guy who got a wedgie from two dumb jocks. I don't even know how much time has passed when I see my phone ringing.. It's elena.. My hands are shaking when I pick it up.. "Hey.. Stefan? Where are you ? "  "E-elena i-" "Oh my god what's wrong? Are you okay?? " "J-Just please come to the restroom-" " Okay I'm coming, hold on stef-" I nod and let the tears go. A minute or two later I hear someone knocking on the door.. "Stefan.. It's me.. " She whispered. I quickly opened the door.

Elena's pov:
I came to school and Stefan was nowhere to be found.. I called him and his voice was full of pain and I felt like he has been crying.. I quickly ran to the restroom and when he opened the door my heart broke.. He looked so vulnerable. His face was red and tears were running down his cheeks.. The thing that hurt me to see was his red rimmed eyes full of agony.  I asked him what happened and he told me everything as he kept coughing.. Choking on his own tears. I was beyond furious at matt and Tyler . They hadn't even learnt their lesson after being literally ass kicked by Damon. They had no right to do this to Stefan.. To anyone, in that case. Tyler has always been kind of a bully but I never expected this from matt. He was my ex boyfriend- oh my god. They were doing this to Stefan because I was dating him. Suddenly guilt engulfs me as I take him in my embrace and rock him back and forth trying to calm him down. I hold his hand taking him outside when be shakes his head no, "they will do all that again.. " He said looking down.. Embarassed.. He shouldn't be embarassed at all. They are the ones who should be embarassed by themselves. I finally convince him and take him outside when everyone stares at us. " HEY LISTEN UP EVERYONE! QUIT BEING A BUNCH OF LOSERS AND STOP ANNOYING STEFAN! HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG AND I WILL NOT STAND BY AND LET YOU BULLY HIM LIKE THIS. IF YOU DON'T STOP ACTING LIKE ASSHOLES I WILL KICK EACH ONE OF YOUR ASSES! YOU UNDERSTAND? " I look at Tyler and matt specially and see they've all gotten silent. "GOOD." I look at Stefan and gesture him to come with me to class. As we go there I see there's finally a smile on his face as he pulls me closer and kisses me. "Thank you. " He says with a smile that melts my heart.

Author's note: I hope you liked this and also I will take one more request :)

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