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Request: can you do one where tyler and matt are mad at stefan for whatever reason so they look around for him and when they find him they lift him up and hang him from a high place by his underwear (like a wedgie) and then leave him there crying and embarrassed and when damon and elena find him damon goes and like beats matt and tyler up while elena comforts him and everything (elena and stefan are a couple) thanks

Author's note : I'm gonna try writing this but it's  kinda different,really, from my normal writing style so forgive me if it isn't as good :( but nevertheless I'll try best of course.
Set in season 1 when matt was not over Elena.. Also let's pretend matt and Tyler knew stefan was a vampire.

Matt's pov:
It's so annoying seeing him with elena. Typical "Mysterious new guy"
. I hate him so much. I have no idea why people in our school are so obsessed with him. Now he's on the football team and the coach keeps rambling on about how good he is. All I hear these days is "stefan this Stefan that " It's infuriating . And I don't know why he acts nice. He talks to me nicely and it's honestly so pretentious. He's not normal. He's a vampire and elena is still dating him. I can't believe it. I make  myself another drink and see Tyler walking in. He hates stefan too. As he should. What's so likable about him anyways. "Hey.. What are you up to " He says with a smirk. " I don't know. Thinking about 'golden stefan' " He scoffs "God i hate his guts .. What do you say we.. Do something about him. " He said with a smirk on his face . " Like what? " We had a plan.

Stefan's pov:
The school just ended and elena said she had some place to be so I was left alone and thought about taking a walk . It was a pleasant day . Just then I saw Tyler and matt behind me. They both put a hand on my shoulder and started walking beside me like we're best buds when in reality I knew they hated me and honestly even though I was fine with them.. I knew I wasn't fond of them either. "Heyyy stefan" Matt said in a mocking tone. I looked at him bewildered just as Tyler then suddenly grabbed my hair and before I could do anything he swung my head back and injected me with a syringe that contained something.. I felt the contents burn through my veins as I felt myself groaning and then passing out really quickly because I was on animal blood . They dragged me to a tree when I was on the verge of unconsciousness and then everything went black. I woke up I don't even know how much time later as I felt my head throbbing ,  my wrists burning and my body aching. I looked at myself and felt my hands tied up tightly with vervain ropes and I was hanging from a branch by my underwear with my pants to my knees . It hurt so bad along with the vervain still in my blood and my healing slowed down. It all hurt so much. And I felt so humiliated. There was no one around but I felt exposed. Why did they even do this to me. I have done nothing except being nice to them. And this is how they repay me? It hurts so bad and I can't even call for help as my throat feels dry and itchy and I remember how I haven't fed in God knows how much time. I just want someone to come help me but at the same time I'm afraid of being seen like this. What if someone walks in and sees me like this.. I'm so embarrassed just thinking about it. The wedgie hurts so much. I'm helpless as I try to move around and escape. And who am I kidding.. No one will come here.. It's an abandoned forest. I only come here to hunt. I start crying at my own helplessness as I feel my phone buzzing in my shirts pocket. I try to somehow pick it up even though I don't even know who it is. "STEFAN? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU SINCE FOREVER WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! "  It's Damon.. "D-damon.. " He hears my sob and starts worriedly, " Stef? What happened ? Are you hurt?? Where are you? Are you okay?? " "P-please it hurts.. " "BROTHER WHERE ARE YOU?!! " He is really worried now. "In t-the woods.. Where I- I hunt.. "  "I'M COMING BROTHER JUST HOLD ON" I  whimper and nod. I can feel hot tears streaming down my face as I feel so bad about all of this. After some time I see two figures coming towards me and I can't see clearly because of all the tears in my eyes and I try to blink them away as I see Damon and.. Oh my god.. It's elena.. She can't see me like this.. I'm so embarrassed.. I look so weak and pathetic.. I can't stop myself from crying as Damon and elena help me down and pull my pants up as I barely have the strength to move as they lower me to the ground and I can't look them in the eye as I keep crying . Damon tries to untie my ropes and I warn him, "v-vervain" It came out barely as a whisper as elena started untying the ropes. They carry me home and I can't even look at them because I feel like they would be disgusted and disappointed by me. Elena noticed this and started cupping my face and making me look at her as I look down. "Stefan.. You have nothing to be ashamed of.." "WHO DID THIS TO YOU? " I hear Damon's angry voice all of a sudden and I tell him everything that happened. " Matt and Tyler.." He is seething with anger and elena is gritting her teeth. " I CAN'T BELIEVE THOSE TWO! " she says angrily. And I look at Damon and I can read his face.. He's gonna make them pay.. We reach home as elena helps me to my bed. I still feel ashamed and my tears don't stop so she hugs me tightly. "Stefan don't cry.. It's over now.. They're terrible people i- I'm sorry.. " "You don't have to be sorry at all elena-" I totally cut her off as I see she blames herself. She nods and brushes the tears off my cheeks, " It's okay Stefan.. Nothing's gonna hurt you again.. Don't feel embarrassed .. Not gonna lie.. I kinda even liked the looks of it if you know what I mean" She said jokingly and that made my eyes go wide as I chuckled shyly.. I could feel the blush creep onto my cheeks.. She always knows how to make me feel better " I'll go get you some blood" She says as she starts to get away but I hold her hand and kiss her, "thank you. " I say as she smiles. Some while later Damon comes back with a huge grin on his face.. "Looks like they have got what they deserved" He said smirking at me.. And honestly.. I couldn't help but smile.

Author's note : I actually don't hate this that much but it's not the best either but I hope y'all liked it. Plus Its funny how Matt and Tyler are the bad guys in so many of my stories when I don't even hate them that much haha😂 have a good dayy :)  also I just feel like mentioning this- Flowing lantern on has the BEST FANFICS EVER. They make me cry so damn hard and they're so well written istg I love them sm- go check em out because they're the best fr.

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