"You can't look at me like that"

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Hello everyone!

First off I want to say THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH for all of the love and support I got just from the first chapter. The amount of people that have said they already love this story is absolutely insane to me!

I asked you guys on here and tiktok about possibly making this fic an actual story that is like 30-40 chapters. Y'all seemed to like that idea so SURPRISE! This is now going to become a full length story.

With that being said you should know that the smut is obviously going to be more spread out now that there is an actual storyline. Don't worry though because there's still going to be a lot of it. I'm also not going to include anymore pictures for the character's outfits since it takes too long to find them.

Lastly, I'm trying to figure out a posting schedule that is going to work with my new work schedule. I plan on posting 2-3 chapters a week but I won't officially know if I can do that until next week so sorry if this next week's updates seem a bit hectic.


smut warning (18+)

"So what exactly is your plan here?" You shouted over the sound of the tire screeches.

Eren, who was completely focused on the road ahead of him, scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "My plan?"

"Yeah, ya know, like what's your strategy to win?" You couldn't tell if he was mainly focused on driving or concentrated on beating his brother. Either way, you sat in utter disbelief once it seemed like he didn't have a plan going into the race.

He lightly chuckled, eyes never once leaving the road as he sharply turned the first corner going up the steep incline of the garage. He made the same turn a few more times before vastly pulling out onto the street.

"I don't have a set plan but I do have an idea on how to beat him." He mumbled as his grip on the wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. "Zeke is very intelligent but his curiosity gets the better of him. I plan to use that to my advantage."

You still had no idea what Eren's "plan" was but you figured he was pretty confident in it by the way he openly told you. You figured you would let it go for the time being and just wait the race out to see what Eren had up his sleeve.

Just then, you caught a glimpse of Zeke's bright headlights in the rear view mirror, practically blinding you in the process. This meant he was right on your tail.

Eren pressed down harder on the gas, allowing you two to fly down the street. You were lucky that the streets surrounding the abandoned garage were basically empty, but you didn't know how much longer it would be until one of the two brothers ran into traffic.

Breaking you out of your thoughts, Eren said "you see this street coming up at the end of the road? There's a hidden alley right before it that would normally serve as a major short cut. Little does Zeke know that it's actually a dead end."

There it was. Eren's strategy was becoming very obvious to you. He mentioned that Zeke was curious so you figured that Zeke would probably take the turn, trying to cut Eren off later down the road, but to his disappointment he would actually have to turn completely around, giving Eren the upper hand.

And you were right. Zeke's bright lights shined in your side-view mirror, proving that he did in fact make the turn. Eren pressed further on the gas making the car drive even faster down the road.

"Haha, take that, dumbass!" Eren announced in triumph. As long as Eren doesn't majorly mess up within the next few minutes he should definitely have this race in the bag.

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