The Sorting Hat

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"Bree Riddle."

A man named Albus Dumbledore called-- and smiled at the nervous young girl as he placed an old, pointed hat on her head. Bree gasped as the hat began humming, deep in thought and then, it spoke.

"A brilliant mind-- just like your fathers. Terrifying, but brilliant."

Bree's heart was racing wildly.

"Better be... SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted, as the Slytherin table cheered proudly, welcoming their new housemate.

The small girl practically skipped to the table-- a smiled plastered on her face. She had done it. She had been sorted into Slytherin, just like her dad had wished. Her father, Tom Marvolo Riddle, was currently in Albania-- though, he wouldn't tell his daughter what he was doing there. Not yet.

Bree tore her gaze away from the sorting ceremony and locked eyes with a boy who had such blonde hair, that it was almost white. Bree blushed instantly. His piercing, blue-grey eyes locked with hers. He flashed her an attractive smile and ran a hand threw his white-blonde hair.

"Hi, I'm Malfoy; Lucius Malfoy."

"Bree Riddle. Nice to meet you." She answered shyly.

"Riddle? As in Tom Riddle?" The boy asked curiously.

"Yes, he's my father." Bree said proudly.

Bree's father was a very respected wizard in the pureblood community; some even wanted him to run for Minister of Magic-- which Bree thought to be brilliant! Imagine the perks of being the Ministers daughter! But her dad told her had much better plans for the world than becoming the Minister for Magic.

"My father is a good friend of your fathers. They went to school together." Lucius said proudly.

"Oh, I didn't know. Dad never speaks of his friends to me." Bree said, sounding a little disappointed. It would have been nice to know her dad had a friend with a child around the same age as her.

"That is strange." Malfoy said and gave a small laugh.

Bree found herself laughing too.

The laughter was cut short by Albus Dumbledore calling out the next child to be sorted.

"Chloe Nott."

A girl with reddish-brown hair and bright-blue eyes walked to the sorting hat. Albus Dumbledore smiled widely at her, then placed the hat oh her head.

"Ah, Miss Nott..." The hat said in a whisper.

"Cunning, ambitious, resourceful... I know just where to put you..."

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat cried and once again, the Slytherin table broke out in a cheer. Bree too, found herself cheering-- hoping she might befriend the girl.

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