Three's Company

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Bree gazed happily out the window of the Hogwarts Express; watching the rolling hills of the countryside pass by in a blur. She turned her attention to the tiny silver locket that hung around her neck-- she smiled wide, tracing the engraved Malfoy crest. It had been a family heirloom and was intended for the future Mrs. Malfoy-- to this, Bree frowned. She wasn't so sure she deserved this gift after what she had done.

After the ball, she ran from Isaacs-- literally ran, leaving him in a confused state. What else could she have done? "Oh, hey, that was really nice! Let's do it again sometime, only we have to keep it a secret! You see, I have a boyfriend, whom I happen to love."

Bree felt like she might vomit. Her professor had kissed her first. But that didn't make her any less at fault. She had practically abandoned Lucius on a night that was supposed to be special for them, and gone off snogging with a man twice her age.

She let the locket fall from her hand, leaning her head against the window, drifting off into a guilty slumber.


The high-pitched scream of the trains whistle woke Bree from her dead sleep. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, not wanting to move from her comfortable position. Groaning, the girl sat up and grabbed her bag from the over-head compartment.

Families in every direction were hugging and kissing their children as they poured out of the Hogwarts Express. Bree felt a slight pain in her chest at the thought of love. Her father just wasn't the type to show affection to anyone, let alone his own child. So when Bree saw her pale and exhausted looking dad, waiting for her at the platform with a vacant expression, she flashed him a small formal smile; and they disapparated on the spot.

Once again, Bree felt as though she would be sick; side along apparation wasn't the most pleasant way of wizard transportation, but it was indeed the quickest.

The young girl let out a deep breath and turned her attention to her father-- who was smiling-- which scared the bloody hell out of the young witch because her father didn't smile. Ever.

"Are you alright, father?" She asked while lifting an eyebrow. Her father then did something that surprised her. He chuckled.

"Of course! How has your term at Hogwarts been?" The man that many wizard's feared asked, like he was a regular father or something.

It took a great deal of power for Bree not to laugh. This was not happening. He was not doing this.

"It has been... well..." She said in a is-this-real-life tone.

"How's Lucius?" He asked in a more stern, serious voice.

"Fine. Why?" She blurted out quickly, hoping no one had told him of their "secret relationship".

"No reason." He replied just as quick, giving her a twisted grin. "Go unpack your things, and change for dinner. We will be having company tonight."

The young witch nodded, obeying her father's request. She climbed the grand staircase slowly, one thought crossing her mind.


Could it be that his father had really spoken with hers, like he said and proposed a marriage contract?

Bree grinned widely at the thought, as she quickly unpacked her things and began tidying her room. Once she had finished, she decided to freshen up a bit.

She decided to wear her long hair in an elegant bun; showing off her neckline, and ultimately-- her locket. The girl sighed deeply, cursing at herself for being indecisive. She ended up going with a simple cream colored, long-sleeved lace dress that ended a little above her knees. Glancing at her reflection with a satisfied smirk, knowing Lucius loved this dress on her; she left her bedroom.

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