Death Eater Meetings

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When Chloe and her parents reached Riddle manor, Chloe was quite glad that she hadn't eaten yet. Apparation was far from her favourite thing; she tried to avoid it as much as possible.

A death eater meeting had been called, the dark mark slightly burning still. Chloe was also quite happy. She got to see Bellatrix.

"Chloe, if the Dark Lord mentions anything about relationships with anyone, you're going to have to tell him." Her father had told her before she left. This scared her. What if Bella hadn't told her parents?

The three approached the gate, Chloe's father taking out his wand, that giving him access to enter. Walking up the drive, many other figures could be seen, one which Chloe recognized as Lucius.

Walking into the house, they made their way to the drawing room, many people already sat down. Chloe's eyes scanned the room. No Bellatrix. Chloe wondered where the older girl could be, her family was normally the first there.

Bree was also sat further down the table than usual, two chairs empty before hers. "Ah, Chloe, I have decided to move you further up the table." a cold voice said behind her. She span around, seeing the dark lord standing there. She bowed her head in respect.

"My lord?" Chloe squeaked, quite nervous to be in his presence.

"You see, I have a feeling that you, Bellatrix, Lucius and Severus will be quite useful to me at Hogwarts, and I see potential in you all." did her really say Severus? Severus was a death eater, that can't be happening.

"Thank you my Lord." Chloe's parents had moved to sit in their seats, quite nervous and proud for their daughter.

"You will sit next to Bree, Bellatrix will sit next to you." Chloe nodded, walking over to her seat and smiling at her friend.

Finally, when the meeting was about to start, did the Black family arrive. The dark lord repeated what he had said to Chloe, Bella sitting next to her girlfriend. The girls didn't talk, but they smiled at each other, waiting for Voldemort to continue with the meeting.

The meeting continued, Voldemort talking about recruiting more people, and also killing more. this made the younger death eaters scared and a little uneasy.

Chloe felt Bella place her hand in her own, squeezing gently. The girls looked at each other quickly, smiling. Bellatrix chuckled, thinking it went unnoticed, but the dark lord noticed, looking at both girls, silencing what he was saying. "Something wrong, Chloe? Bellatrix?" He crossed his arms, obviously thinking that the two girls were being such a distraction.

"No, my lord." Chloe stuttered, very scared right now. Everyone in the room was staring at the girls, including their parents - who gave the girls looks of pure horror.

"What about you, Bellatrix?" The dark lord said, looking at the pair oddly.

"No my lord, it won't happen again." Bellatrix said proudly, sinking back into her chair, still holding Chloe's hand. He nodded, continuing what he was talking about.

When the meeting had finished, Bree, Chloe, Bellatrix, Lucius and Severus all decided to go upstairs to Bree's room.

As soon as the left the meeting room, Chloe and Bellatrix had embraced each other in a tight hug. "I missed you." Bella kissed the girl on the forehead, aware that people were still around them.

"It's been a week, Bella!" Chloe chuckled, resting her head against her girlfriends. "Have you said anything to your parents about us?" Chloe felt nervous. What if she hadn't?

"I did, they're fine with it." Bellatrix grinned, Chloe felt relieved that her parents agreed with them. "What about yours?" The girls started to walk up to Bree's room, the last of the death eaters coming out the drawing room.

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