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Chloe had trouble getting to sleep that night . She wasn't even sure if she was going to get any sleep. Her dark mark had been causing her a little pain, it was tingling.

The dark mark was a very strange thing; it showed the dark lords emotions. Not physically, if he was angry, it would burn. If he was happy, it would tingle.

The girl sat in her bed, watching the other girls around her sleep. Looking at Bella the most. She didn't know what was going on between them, but she really did love the girl.

She looked down at her arm, covered by the sleeve of her bed top, the black ink just visible through the white material. "Chloe?" The voice broke her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Bellatrix looking at her. "What's the matter? Why are you still awake?" Bellatrix had folded back her covers, getting out of bed.

"Can't sleep." Chloe sighed, pulling at the loose threads on her top.

"Wait, I'll be right back, I need to pee." Bellatrix chuckled walking out of the room, Chloe shaking her head at her best friend.
When she returned, she sat next to Chloe in her bed, an arm around the smaller girl. "What's up, love?" She placed her head on Chloe's shoulder, snuggling into her neck.

"It hurts, doesn't yours?" Chloe hid her face into Bella's mass of black curls, smelling the coconut shampoo Bellatrix used. Bellatrix instantly knew what Chloe meant.

"It does now, but it's bearable." Bellatrix kissed Chloe's cheek, hoping it would calm the girl. "Lay down, and move over, I want to sleep." Bellatrix moved the cover over the both of them.

"You want to sleep in my bed? Are you sure?" Chloe felt her cheeks go a bit red, not used to relationships.

"Of course, unless you don't want me too, and that would be quite a shame, I just want a hug." Bellatrix chuckled, Chloe moving over, laying down on her back.

Bellatrix moved closer to the younger girl, laying her head on her chest, draping one arm over her waist. "Bella, you laying on my boob isn't comfortable." Bellatrix snorted, moving her head near Chloe's shoulder.

"Gosh, I'm sorry, better now?" Bella placed one hand on Chloe's face, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Of course." Chloe kissed her back on her forehead, both girls very comfortable.

"Chloe?" Bellatrix asked a little while later, both girls close to sleeping.

"Mmm?" Was the reply given.

"I love you." Bellatrix smiled, she was sure that whatever the feeling they had for each other was love. Bellatrix thought she had done something wrong, Chloe not replying for a while.

"Bella, I love you too." This sentence made Bellatrix get butterflies. The girl she loved returned her feelings.

The girls both fell asleep in each others arms, holding each other close.


Both girls woke to hearing someone say 'aww' both seeing Bree and Narcissa looking at them.

"So cute." Narcissa cheered, looking at Bellatrix. The two had slept really well next to each other, Chloe totally forgetting about the pain in her arm.

"Yes, take a photo, it lasts longer." Chloe sat up, feeling cold, like she had lost her warmth, also known as Bellatrix.

"We could, you know." Bree winked, looking at them both. "Why are you in the same bed anyway?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Chlo couldn't sleep." Bellatrix sat up, moving the curls out of her face.

"So all you did was sleep?" Bree raised an eyebrow, looking at the suspiciously.

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