Elie Saab?

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Bellatrix whined loudly as Bree informed the group who would be joining them to Hogsmeade.

"I'm alright with Fern, but Lily Evans." Bellatrix let out another loud whine.

"Bella! You won't even notice her. I promise." Bree tried to assured her stubborn friend.

"Really Bells, she's super quiet and shy!" Chloe pitched in, Bella giving her a Do-I-Have-To look.

"She hangs around James Potter and you want me to believe that she is shy and quiet?"

"Oh, grow up, Bellatrix." Narcissa snapped while pinning her hair up in a bun.

Bellatrix snarled at her sister, then whispered "whatever" to the girls and disappeared into the bathroom to get ready.

"That went better than I had expected." Bree said, a little in shock.

"I think she's afraid I'll break up with her if she's not nice." Chloe whispered, giggling quietly.

"You'd be smart to use that to your advantage, Chlo." Bree suggested, snickering at the thought of Bellatrix being nice.


"Now remember, these trips are a priveledge! Any rule breaking, and you will be sent back to the castle to serve detention with Peeves." Professor Isaacs seemed pleased with himself, as the younger students gave a look of fear.

Bree greeted the two Gryffindor girls, while Bellatrix looked absolutely disgusted with the world.

"Hi guys! This is my friend, Lily Evans." Fern motioned to the aburn haired girl standing next to her.

Bree, Chloe, and Narcissa were all very polite and welcoming. Bellatrix on the other hand...

"Don't mind mind my sister, she is most unpleasant." Narcissa joked with Lily and Fern, earning a grimace from Bella.

They all chatted on the way to Hogsmeade about their dream dresses. Well, everyone except Bellatrix. Chloe was a little disappointed in how much of a snob she was being. If Lily hadn't been in Gryffindor and Half-Blood, Chloe believed that her and Bella would get along quite nicely.

You see, girls like Bellatrix Black were just made made for Lord Voldemorts cause. She had the same views on the wizarding world, same deranged attitude, same thirst for power. Chloe hoped one day, Bella would see there were more important things to life than blood prejudices.

"So, where do we start?" Fern asked.

"I was thinking we could check out the clothing shop next to the hair salon." Narcissa said, pointing down the road to a pink building.

Once inside, Chloe gravitated to a beautiful long greyish-white dress, with shimmering glittlers of jewels on the bodice.

"I want it. I want it now." She informed the group, hugging the dress adoringly.

"Well go try it on, silly!" Lily shooed Chloe into the dressing room.

While Chloe was trying the dress on, Bree found a similar dress, but this one was a strapless light purple with shimmering jewels across the entire length of the dress.

"That looks just like an Elie Saab!" Lily squealed, picking up the dress from Bree, running her hands through the material.

"What's an Elie Saab?" Bree asked, grasping for the dress.

"She's a dress designer in the Muggle world! Her dresses can run up to thousands of dollars!"

"What are dollars?"

"Muggle form of money!" Lily squeaked, handing Bree the dress back and picking up a golden one with the same design.

"She looks beautiful." Narcissa said in awe as Chloe emerged from the dressing room, making her blush.

"That's definitely the one." Bellatrix choked out, temporarily unaware of anyone's presence but Chloe's.

Chloe decided to purchase the dress with the money her mum had sent her. Bree decided on the light purple dress, Bella went with a brilliant black long sleeved dress, leaving Narcissa in a light blue that brought out her beautiful pale features.

After shopping the girls decided to go to The Three Broomsticks for a Butterbeer-- though, Bree wasn't too happy when Professor Isaacs asked to speak with her alone. He kind of was starting to give the girl the creeps.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked, sipping on a Firewhiskey.

"You stole me from my friends for a bit of small talk?" Bree questioned in a snotty tone.

"Yes." He said, smirking.

"And what makes you think I'd like to chat with you?"

"Oh, I don't think, I know you want to chat with me."

"A bit full of yourself, aren't you?" Bree teased, sipping at her drink.

"A bit young to be drinking, don't you think?" He snagged her drink away from her.

"Hey! Give it back!" Bree whined, reaching for her drink.

"Nope. I think you've had enough." He said, grinning darkly.

Bree crossed her arms, pouting like a baby. Maybe she did have a little too much to drink. She was usually not this bold.

"So, tell me, are you going to the Yule Ball?"

"Why? Are you going to ask me out?" Bree joked, covering her mouth to try and stop the giggles.

"I don't think your boyfriend would like that much. But I would like you to save me a dance."

"And why would I do that?" She tested, smirking.

"You'll do it because you want to." He said, getting up from his seat and walking towards Professor Slughorn; leaving Bree in complete shock.

She just flirted with her teacher... And liked it.


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