Grey Skies

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Bree awoke to the warmth of the sun shining into her bedroom. Blinking her eyes a few times to adjust to the light, she stared intently at the ceiling.

Lucius had held her for the majority of the night, trying to calm her down. But she didn't want to. She wanted to grieve, to feel pain.

She knew love was supposed to hurt, but she never imagined it like this. It was like a hole had been punched through her chest, leaving her empty and alone. And nothing in the world would ever be happy again. Forever in a world where the sun didn't shine. Where the light was drained from her life, leaving her with grey skies and the aching hole in her heart.

Things would never be the same. She would become bitter and loveless. This wasn't the kind of life she wanted. And its not that Isaacs was bad. In fact, he's a highly respected man who will probably treat her great. But he's not Lucius, and Lucius was all she wanted.

She rose from her bed, making a face of disgust when she noticed the white-lace dress sitting on her armchair. Her father had arranged a ball to announce her engagement to Isaacs. All of her fathers followers would be attending, including the Malfoy's.

Bree walked into her bathroom, drawing the hot water for a bath. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror-- lifeless. Her eyes were rimmed red from crying, her face was tired and sad. She stepped into the bathtub, sighing miserably.

She sat in the tub for quite sometime, relaxing for the first time in a couple of days. Once she was pruney from the water, she got out, wishing she could magic her hair dry, but couldn't because she was outside of school. Instead, she towel dried her hair and called softly for her house elf.

A few moments later, a small house elf appeared at her side.

"What can Mimsy do for you?" The small elf squeaked, her wide eyes shining brightly.

"I could use some help with my hair and make-up, thank you." Bree said politely.

The elf, Mimsy, nodded and began brushing through Bree's long hair. A little while later the elf had finished and Bree grinned at her reflection. She didn't look tired anymore, but fresh and bright, like she had never been in distress at all. Bree thanked Mimsy and returned to her bedroom to put on the dress.


Bree entered the large dining room, sitting at her usual spot at the head of the table. She was joined by her father a few minutes after, who was looking more and more inhumain as the days went on. His once golden complexion was now an unhealthy shade of white. His eyes had dark circles under them, which made the tint of glowing red only stand out more. He was also losing a fair amount of his hair.

Bree said good morning as he took his seat next to her. He nodded and began reading a copy of The Daily Prophet. The pair sat in an awkward silence for the majority of their breakfast. And then, her father put down the newspaper, eyes locked on her with a vacant expression.

"Once you've finished eating, go to the garden. Isaacs will be waiting for you." He said, and then sipped at his tea.

Bree's heart sank. She didn't want to see him. In fact, she wanted nothing to do with him.

Bree drank the remainder of her pumpkin juice and excused herself from the table; making her way to the courtyard that lead to the gardens.

The courtyard was beginning to become bright and green again. All reminents of winter had faded away. Though, Bree noticed a large grey cloud making its way across the mountain range a few miles from her home. She sighed happily; it would be raining soon-- and she loved the rain. For it came through and washed away the bad, leaving everything clean once more.

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