The Slug Club

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Everything had changed since Bellatrix received the letter from home. First off, her and Chloe were no longer speaking; which made things very uncomfortable for the group of friends-- did they choose Bella, or Chloe?

Bree found it a million times easier to talk with Chloe; for she didn't shout at her every time she opened her mouth. Lucius didn't care about the situation at all, he found it humorous that the two were having a "lovers spat".

Chloe had been spending an awful lot of time with Sev, leaving Bree to walk alone to lessons. She walked the familiar passage ways to her favorite class-- Defense Against the Dark Arts.

She was the first to arrive, and took her usual seat at the front of the room. Professor Isaacs smiled politely to her as she took out her textbook from her bag, flipping to page fifty four.

"Miss Marvolo."

Bree tore her gaze away from her textbook, focusing on her professor.

"Yes, Professor?" She asked, leaning back in her seat.

"Come here, there is something I want to show you."

Bree rose from her seat, her heart was beating quickly. What on earth would he want to show her?

He slowly got up from his chair, moving closer to the girl, who was playing with ends of her sleeve nervously. He tugged on his sleeve, Bree's eyes went wide. There, on Professor Isaacs arm, was the mark of Lord Voldemort.

He chuckled lightly at Bree's look of disbelief, and grasped her arm, lifting her sleeve. At this point, Bree was sure she would faint.

"I got it yesterday, so its still a bit bloody." He said, and began tracing the mark on Bree's arm, making her heart flutter. She wasn't entirely sure why Professor Isaacs had this kind of effect on her.

"Y-yeah, it will take some time to heal..." She wanted to die of embarrassment. Had she really just stuttered?

He chuckled again, pulling her sleeve down, covering the mark. He then did the same to his shirt, then to Bree's surprise, he brought a finger to her chin, lifting it so her eyes met his.

She felt her cheeks grow warm as she felt the world disappear into the crystal blue of his eyes. He parted his lips, as if he was going to say something, but quickly drew his touch from her. He smirked, then resumed his position at his desk. She did the same, as the pair heard shuffling from the hallway.

Bree's mind was racing, just like her heart.

She had not the slightest clue what had just went on between her and Professor Isaacs, and it scared the hell out of her. She had never felt anything like that before; not even with Lucius.

Bree found herself practically jumping out of her seat as he dismissed class. She rushed to get out of class, weaving in and out of students.

Class itself, had been worse than their awkward encounter because during the hour, his gaze never left hers. She was sure someone was going to notice and think they were having some kind of freaky affair.

She was stopped in the hallway by a very excited looking Professor Slughorn.

"Ah, Miss Riddle!" He said, and Bree wondered how long the man could go without blinking.

"Its Marvolo." She corrected.

"Ahh, yes! Forgive me, I taught your father, and am used to the name Riddle." He nervously smiled at the small girl. "Anyways! I'd like to invite you to a little party I host every year-- only the best of the best are invited." He paused his words, smirking playfully at Bree. "It will be tonight at seven, my classroom."

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