Toujours pur?

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"Bellatrix stop." Chloe laughed as she chased Bellatrix around her family home. Chloe was quite a regular visitor to Black Manor, Druella Black was more than happy to let her stay.

The two were running around the manor, Bellatrix stealing Chloe's wand. "You'll have to catch me first." The sixteen year old flew off down another hallway, running away from her best friend.

"Bella, come back." Chloe could hear Bellatrix laughing from where she was standing. Chloe walking off in the direction Bella had gone, she noticed a room, the door ajar.

After a while, it was obvious the older witch gave up, calling after Chloe. Chloe had gone in the room, looking at the beautiful tapestry on the wall. It was a family tree. The black family tree. "Its amazing isn't it? The whole family is on there, the burned bits are the disowned family members." Bella had joined her friend, walking around and looking at the tapestry. 'bellatrix' was one of the more recent names on the tree.

"It's you." Chloe pointed to the banner. The photo above the banner looked recently painted on, showing Bellatrix's beauty very well.

"Well done," Bellatrix's laughed. "The black family are very strict, we disown people who don't go by the family motto, or don't live up to the Black standards."

"What's your family motto?" Chloe looked at the girl who was also looking at her. Bellatrix's messy hair was up in a really messy pony tail, her wearing a black, long sleeved dress, mostly to cover her newly added dark mark.

"Toujours pur." She said in her best french accent. Chloe looked at her oddly, obviously not knowing a lot of French. "It means 'Always pure' so basically saying we will always be pure-blood."

"Oh, so people are disowned because...?" Chloe started looking at the tapestry, looking at the burned off names. 'Phineus' was one of them, his picture complete burnt.

"Because they marry people who are less than pure-blood, or they're sorted into Gryffindor, in Sirius's case."

The girls left the room, going back to Bellatrix's room. "Can I have my wand back now, Bella?" The girl chuckled, Bella handing her wand back. The sleeve on Bellatrix dress slightly ruffled up, exposing part of her dark mark. "Does it hurt?"

Bellatrix pushed her sleeve down, slightly embarrassed by her mark. She still wasn't quite used to it. "It hurts a bit, but it doesn't hurt for long, why?" Chloe pulled Bellatrix' arm closer to her, pulling back the sleeve and tracing the dark Mark on her arm.

"I'm getting mine tonight, so is my father." Chloe sighed. She knew she had no choice but to get a dark mark.

"You cant, this isn't a choice is it..." Chloe shook her head. "You don't want it do you?" Bellatrix looked at Chloe who was still tracing the mark on her arm.

"I don't know, I have to." Bellatrix pulled Chloe's left arm, tracing the empty space that won't be empty for much longer.

"It shows we're fighting for a better wizarding community." the girls both looked up at the same time, Bellatrix's dark brown eyes, looking into Chloe's blue ones. "Your eyes are beautiful." Chloe laughed.

"We were having such a serious chat and you talk about my eyes?" Bellatrix chuckled, her cheeks tinted pink. "Your eyes are beautifuler...not fuller, I mean more beautiful." Bellatrix took that opportunity to laugh more at her best friend. "Stop laughing at me." Chloe's cheeks felt hot; she was very embarrassed.

Bella leaned in, Chloe having the same idea. Their lips slowly met, barely touching, but it felt so right.

The kiss broke shortly after, Bella's lips slightly tingling. Did she really just share a kiss with her best friend, and that kiss felt so right? "Chlo, what did we just do?" The older witch had her forehead leat against the younger witches.

"We kissed." Chloe smiled, it felt so right to her, but it was so wrong in many ways.

"It felt so right." Bellatrix smiled, pulling away from her best friend, looking at the black sheets on her bed.

"It did, but I don't think our families would be happy." that made Bellatrix sigh. It all came down to family. But would their family mind? They were both Pure-bloods.

"Who says they have to know? It could be our little secret." the dark haired witch smirked.

"Bellatrix Black, you are one very strange girl." both of them laughed, spending the last few hours together before tonight. Did Chloe make the right decision?

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