Yule ball.

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Chloe sat on a stool in the bathroom, applying some red lipstick to her lips. Bella had gone somewhere else to get ready. The ball would begin shortly, everyone would soon depart for the great hall.

Chloe wore a grey dress that flowed to the floor, the bodice a tan colour, covered in many grey jewels and patches. Her hair was curled, half Pinned up. She actually felt happy about what she looked like for once. The love bites Bellatrix had left on her skin were faded now, barely visible.

As Chloe left the bathroom, she noticed that the common room was deserted, due to the fact she was ten minutes late.

As she left the common room, she picked up the bottom of her dress, careful not to tread on it, leaving to the great hall.

On the way there, many students were seen, linking arms with others. "Good evening, Miss. Nott." Chloe saw professor Dumbledore stood next to a lady she didn't recognize. She was quite tall, very thin. She was wearing green robes, her black hair pinned back in a bun. "Ah yes, introductions. Chloe, this is Minerva McGonagall, she will start teaching here in September."

"Good evening Professor, Good evening - what should I call you?" Chloe smiled, she had always been quite a friendly Slytherin, she didn't know why.

"Minerva will do, until September." she gave Chloe a warm smile, Chloe smiling.

"You should head to the party, Miss. Nott. Bellatrix is waiting." Chloe gave a shocked look to the professor.

"Professor, how did you know?" Chloe blushed, but luckily it wouldn't be as visible, due to her makeup.

"I know quite a lot of things. Have a good night, Miss. Nott." Chloe nodded, walking on to the great hall. The sound of music could be heard quite a while away, mostly upbeat songs.

--- (this is just going to be a change of PoV's)

Chloe entered the stairway to the hall, the girl she loved was sitting on the stairs, her back to Chloe. "Merlin's beard, she looks gorgeous." Lily Evans shouted, earning a few heads turning towards the doors that Chloe was walking through.

"Who looks gorgeous?" Bellatrix sighed. Chloe was late, and she was scared she wasn't going to turn up at all. She sat on the bottom step, waiting for Chloe as patient as she could.

"She looks so nice." Bree said, looking at the door. Bellatrix still didn't turn around, them probably on about another student in the school.

"Yeah, if only Chloe's GIRLFRIEND would look at her." Narcissa raised her voice, pushing Bellatrix on the shoulder, Bella instantly turned around, standing up to see her girlfriend. Bellatrix' mouth was agape. She looked stunning.

"Holy shit, Chlo! You look gorgeous." Bella walked over to Chloe, embracing her in a hug.

Chloe, chuckled, kissing Bellatrix's cheek. "I could say the same for you, Bells." Chloe stood back, eyeing Bellatrix from top to bottom, biting her lip as Bellatrix smirked. She was in a black laced dress, her hair in smooth curls.

Both girls linked arms, walking back to the group. "Sooooo..." Bellatrix shifted her weight back and forth on one leg, waiting for someone to speak.

"Why is no one dancing?" Chloe looked at the dance floor; it was empty.

"We have to wait for Dumbledore, apparently he's showing someone around." Lucius said, Bree held his hand, looking at Lucius and smiling.

"Who's he showing around?" Narcissa asked, Remus had her arm around her waist, Bellatrix gave him some evil glares. "

"Minerva McGonagall, I met her a minuet ago. She's really nice." Chloe said, snaking her hand around Bella's back.

"Is she going to be working here or something?" Bree asked, confused.

The Darkest Light (Harry Potter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora