Welcome Back

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"What's got Bree's wand in a knot?" Chloe asked Bellatrix as they walked to the great hall, for the welcoming feast and sorting.

"I have no clue, but I'm guessing it's to do with Lucy." Bellatrix cackled as the walked in the hall, taking a seat at the Slytherin table. Right at the front of the room.

"Bella, you need to stop calling him Lucy." Chloe gave a disapproving look to her best friend.

"Whatever you say, Chlo." Bellatrix snorted. Lucius and Bree were sat further down the table, near the entrance of the hall, Severus and Regulus opposite them.

"I hope Bree and Lucius don't tell them. If Regulus finds out, that's bad news." Chloe sighed, tapping her fingers on the table.

"Don't worry, they wont tell. And stop doing that, it's annoying." Bellatrix pulled Chloe's fingers off the table, gripping her hand in her own under the table.

Just as Bellatrix did that, the doors opened, many nervous first years walking in. Dumbledore was in charge of the sorting today, introducing everything. He sorted six people, none of them being sorted into Slytherin.

"Jasmine Nott." Chloe's head snapped up. This was her cousin, and she didn't realise that she was being sorted today.

"I didn't know you had any family who would be coming to Hogwarts soon?" Bellatrix whispered to Chloe.

"She's my cousin, and I didn't know that either." they both looked at the girl sitting on the stall. The girl had blue eyes, with long brown hair.

After a while, the hat finally shouted "HUFFLEPUFF." Bellatrix snorted.

"Guess who's getting disowned?" Chloe chucked. She knew that her family would disown jasmine soon, after all, her family was all Slytherin.

After the sorting, the feast appeared, Bellatrix tucking into all the food. Chloe didn't touch one thing. "Chlo, are you okay? Why are you not eating?" Chloe was focused on one thing, Sirius.

"Sirius is looking at us." Chloe took her hand out if Bellatrix's, not realising it was still there. "I think he can tell something's been going on between us. Or Bree told Fern and Fern told sirius." Chloe looked back down at the table, staring at her empty plate.

"Eat, we can sort that out later, you need food." Chloe nodded, putting a bit of chicken and potatoes on her plate, slowly taking a bite.

After the food was gone, Headmaster Dippet took to the podium. "Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. I have something to share with you. It has come to my attention that a student who used to attend this school, has stated a cause. I'm insured that they are no threat to us yet, but precautions have been made. The dark forest located in the school grounds are completely off bounds, to staff and pupils. Anyone failing to live up to this will receive a punishment."

"Merlins beard, he knows about death eaters." Bellatrix whispered to Chloe, her nodding. Lucius and Bree looked as shocked as Bella and Chloe.

"Also, on a more exciting note, there will be a Yule ball on Christmas Eve night. It will be a night of fun and music, oh, it's a dance too, so get asking them partners." Dippet laughed, the school whispering to each other about the exciting news. "Off to bed now, all of you." Scrapings of benches sounded, everyone moving towards the doors.

The two girls were the last to leave, all teachers already gone. Chloe was about to start walking when Bellatrix jumped on her back. "Bella, what are you doing." Chloe giggled, walking towards the door.

"I'm to lazy to walk." Bellatrix scoffed, putting her arms around Chloe's neck loosely, holding on.

The two reached the stairs when they heard a teacher. "Miss Nott, please put miss Black down." Professor Dumbledore chuckled, the girls turning around to look at him.

"Sorry, professor." Chloe looked down, trying to cover her red face. Dumbledore had the twinkle in his eye, he knew something.

"Ah, I once knew two boys who were just like you, they acted the same way as you both do. Say it when you have the chance, don't leave it too late. Goodnight girls." he nodded at both of them before walking off.

"What does he mean by that?" Bellatrix asked the younger witch.

"No clue." both girls shrugged, walking down to the common room, quickly going in because they didn't know the password.

"Bree, Lucius, did you tell anyone?" Chloe asked, walking to them both. They were sitting next to Regulus and Severus.

"Tell anyone what?" Severus asked. They were the only group in the common room, everyone else in their dorms.

"Oh tell them." Bellatrix let out a high pitch laugh, making regulus shake his head.

"Bellatrix has a little crush..." Lucius said, he looked like he didn't approve of two girls being in love, but that wasn't his decision.

"Who is that?" Regulus raised his eyebrows.

"Me, stupid. Gosh, we kissed, what's wrong with that?" Chloe sneered, looking at Severus who looked sad. Regulus's looked at both of them confused.

"There's a lot of things wrong with tha-" Lucius started but Bree had covered his mouth with her hand, silencing them.

"I'm happy for you, cousin. Didn't think you were the type to having feelings for people." Regulus laughed, standing up and awkwardly patted Bellatrix on the shoulder.

"You tell no one." Bellatrix said to the group, them all nodding.

After spending a little more time in the common room, everyone went to their dorms, getting ready for bed. Bellatrix and Chloe were still in the bathroom. Bellatrix was attempting to brush her hair, Chloe brushing her teeth.

"Ugh, I give up." Bellatrix huffed, throwing the hairbrush on the counter. Chloe had just finished brushing her teeth, looking up at Bellatrix.

"Come here, silly. I'll do it." Chloe picked up the hairbrush, standing behind Bellatrix, brushing her hair. After a while, Chloe was almost done. "Sixteen years old and you can't brush your own hair." Chloe joked, picking up more hair and brushing it.

"Shh, anyway I like it better when you do it." Bellatrix smiled, looking at Chloe.

"There, all better."Chloe finished up, placing the hairbrush down. She walked in front of Bellatrix, placing one arm around her waist, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. "We better go to bed, they might think we're up to something." Chloe chucked at her own words.

"Oh, but what if we was, it wouldn't be their concern, love." Bella leant her forehead against Chloe's, her being a bit taller than the younger girl.

"Bella!" Chloe smacked Bellatrix on the arm, Bella laughing.

"What do you think Dumbledore meant tonight? His words weren't very helpful." Bellatrix sighed, very curious.

"I have no clue, but in guessing we'll find out soon." Chloe nodded.

"Goodnight, Chloe." Bellatrix placed a light kiss on top of the girls head, walking out of the bathroom and up to her dorm.

Chloe let out a long breath, smiling to herself. She was sure she loved the girl. She just didn't know how to tell her.

After a while of thinking, Chloe also went to bed, seeing everyone laying down almost asleep, or they were asleep.

She was sure she loved Bellatrix.

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