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Chloe woke bright and early, even earlier than Bellatrix, and that was early. She sat in her bed, looking at the other girls all asleep. Bellatrix was hidden under a mess of black curls, snoring lightly, Chloe giggling when her hair moved with her breathing.

Chloe decided to play a little trick on her best friend, grabbing her wand and getting out of bed. She walked over to Bellatrix, pointing her wand at the older witch. "aguamenti" she laughed as a high pitch scream filled the air.

"CHLOE, HOW DARE YOU!" Bellatrix screamed, sitting up. Her hair was dripping wet, even messier than before.

"Sorry Bella, but I call it payback for all the times you've woke me up in the mornings." Bree and Narcissa had woken up, looking at the sight before them and chuckling to themselves. Bellatrix screamed again, moving some of the dripping hair out of her face. "Calm down, Bella. I'm sorry." Chloe walked back over to her bed, sitting down on the edge.

"You're lucky you're my best friend, or you might not be able to walk around properly." Bellatrix sighed, walking into the bathroom, going to get ready for the day ahead.

The other girls followed, getting dressed and meeting Regulus and Lucius in the common room. Severus was no where to be seen, he always left before or after everyone. Narcissa had left with another one of her friends moments before. "Bree, girls." Lucius looked at Bree, her blushing. Bellatrix looked at Chloe and they started laughing at the girl.

Lucius put his arm around Bree, them in deep conversation. Bella and Chloe sat down on the nearest sofa, watching the two Slytherins. "Okay lovebirds, I'm hungry, can we go to breakfast now?" Chloe moaned, pulling Bellatrix up with her.

"You and food." Regulus laughed, walking to the common room entrance.

They all left their common room, Bellatrix and Chloe falling behind the group. "What do you have first?" Bellatrix asked the girl next to her, looking at the group in front of them. "History of magic, why is that even a subject? Honestly, does professor Binns even know what he's talking about?"

"Hah! Spoken like a true Slytherin. Feel bad for me, I've had to put up with him for a year longer than you." Bellatrix chuckled, linking her arm with the younger girl. "Just you wait, Chlo. You'll be skipping that class before you know it."

"Me skipping classes is like the chance of a Hufflepuff being resorted into Slytherin! I'd never skip class." Chloe shook her head, she was not going to let Bellatrix have a bad influence on her.

"Well, we could always ditch first lesson, Binns and Slughorn will hardly notice were gone. Besides, Lucius is doing it too, I'm sure Bree will follow him." the older witch whispered into Chloe's ear, not wanting anybody passing by to hear.

"Fine, but just this once, and if we get into trouble, its your fault." Chloe sighed, Bellatrix cheering because she won.

The group walked in the great hall, walking over to their usual spot on the Slytherin table. Bree sat next to Lucius, Regulus sitting next to them. Chloe and Bellatrix sat on the other side, no one daring to sit near the curly haired girl. "So, are we all skipping first lesson, or are you younger ones chickens and going to lessons?" Regulus asked, picking up a piece of toast.

"Chlo and I are joining in." Bellatrix smiled.

"Chloe? You're actually skipping lessons? I thought you said you were never going to do that." Lucius laughed, shoving a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, Bree hitting him on the arm, annoyed by his bad manners. She blushed after she realised what she had done.

"Blame Bella, otherwise I would be going to my lessons." Chloe sighed. Even after suggesting they eat, Chloe was yet to pick up some food.

"Bree and I are joining in too, it will be great fun." Lucius said, his mouth still full of food.

"Lucius, show some manners, we don't want to see your food." Bellatrix furrowed her eyebrows at him. He listened to her, not wanting to get on her bad side.

Soon after, the group left for the dark forest, just missing the large groups of students crowding the corridors, getting to their first class of the day.

After wondering around the forest for forty five minuets, Bree and Chloe getting a bit scared at the noises in the forest, the group started heading back to the castle, only to be met by an angry looking Professor Dumbledore. "Follow me." he pointed to the group, them walking back with the professor. Bree was still clutched onto Lucius, Bellatrix and Chloe the same.

Once they reached the Transfigurations classroom, Dumbeldore sat down at his desk, looking at the group. "Now, explain to me why three second years, and two first years were wondering around the dark forest--which is strictly forbidden--in lesson times, alone?" He looked at the group, them all giving the teacher a sorry look.

"It was Regulus's idea, I swear." Bellatrix said, looking innocently at the teacher.

"As much as I believe you, Miss Black, I must punish all of you. Ten points will be taken from Slytherin, from each of you, and you will all receive detention with me, on Friday." The boys sighed, the girls just looking down at the floor. "Now, head to your next lessons, and don't let me see you wondering the corridors in lesson times again!" Each student nodded, turning around to the door.

"Yes, Professor." Bree and Chloe spoke, being the youngest their, Dumbeldore was disappointed in the both of them, expecting better from them.

"It's all your fault, Bellatrix." Chloe whispered into the raven haired girls ear, her snorting and turning around at the girl.

"Chloe, you were the one who agreed to come." Bellatrix cackled before leaving the two younger witches to go to their next lessons.

Oh how detention on Friday will be fun.

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