The Home of a Monster

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It was a crisp September morning when Bree received the owl from her father. She didn't dare open it in the dining hall-- for it may have contained sensitive information. She gathered Lucius, Chloe, and Bellatrix; motioning for them to follow her to the common room.

Once they had arrived, Bellatrix was the first to speak-- or gasp really.

"He's got a task for us!" She joined hands with Chloe, the two of them twirling around in circles, giggling loudly.

Lucius rolled his eyes at the pair, Bree smacked him on the arm for being such a snob, and cleared her throat.

She opened the parcel with care, as if it was an important ancient artifact. The four teens huddled closely over the parchment; glee shining in their eyes as they read:


I have a favour to ask of you and your friends.

I require a book-- well, diary really. My diary, for important purposes. But you see, I am running into a dilemma. I left the diary in the Chamber of Secrets while at school.

With you being a part of Salazar Slytherin's bloodline, you will be able to open the chamber. Where is the chamber, you ask?

Do you recall me telling you the story of the mudblood that died while I was at Hogwarts? She died in the girls lavatory, by the beast that dwells within the chamber. In the girls lavatory, one of the sinks will have a small snake engraved onto the foucet; speak "enter" in snake language-- do not worry, I have full confidence in your abilities, you will be able to do this.

Now, do not worry of the Basilisk; it only attacks those who are not worthy in Salazar Slytherin's eyes.

Once you are inside the chamber, you will be greeted by a magnificent statue. Inside the statues mouth is where you will find my diary.

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