These Arms Were Made For Holding You.

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After leaving the slug club, Chloe ran to her dormitory, slamming the door behind her. She wasn't sure if anyone had followed her, but if they did, she sure hoped the had got the picture that she didn't want to talk to anyone. What Bellatrix had done to Chloe, physically hurt her, made her never want to speak to the girl again.

"Chloe, open the door, please." the girl was in her bed, crying at the embarrassment she had been through tonight.

"Go away." Chloe sobbed, hearing a sigh outside the door.

"Chloe, please. I want to talk." Bree called, knocking on the door. Chloe hid her face in her covers, just wanting everyone to go away.

"I don't want to talk, please just go away." the girl heard nothing more from outside the door, hoping everyone had left her.

Chloe didn't know how long it took her, but eventually she cried herself to sleep, hoping everything was a dream.


Bellatrix sat in the common room, staring at the fire. She had sat there most of the night, thinking about how badly she messed up hers and Chloe's friendship.

She didn't mean to loose it at the slug club, but seeing Chloe next to someone who wasn't her, and could potentially fall in love with them, made Bellatrix hurt. Rodolphus had sat with her until he went to bed, telling her over and over again that she didn't need Chloe. But this was a lie, she did need Chloe, but she couldn't. Bellatrix desperately wanted to hold Chloe in her arms, telling her everything would be okay, kissing her forehead and snuggling up together. But this was impossible, the girl was sure she would never be forgiven by Chloe.

Bella was also annoyed how everyone was going on about the Christmas ball. She was planning to ask Chloe, but she probably would go with Severus - or not even attend at all. "I'm such an idiot." Bellatrix whispered to herself, sighing and tugging at her hair in anger.

When she heard the door to the common room open, she looked up, hoping to see Chloe. But only Bree, Narcissa, Lucius and Severus were there. "Bellatrix." Bree nodded her head, looking at the girl.

"Bree, where are you going?" Bellatrix asked the group, hoping they didn't hate her.

"To breakfast, you coming?" Lucius asked. There was a slight awkwardness between them, everyone not knowing what to say. It was obvious the group were confused as to why Bellatrix had red rimmed eyes.

"No, I'm going to stay here, I'll see you lot later." Bellatrix was glad that it was the weekend, or she would have probably skipped lessons.

The group nodded, Severus giving her some really horrible glares. After they left, Bellatrix had to do it now, before it's too late. She walked up to the dorm, walking in without knocking.

"What do you want?" Chloe snapped. Bellatrix looked at the girl, she was curled in a ball, her face still stained with tears.

"I came here to talk about things..." Bellatrix sighed, sitting on her bed opposite the girl.

"What is there to talk about, Bellatrix? You made it quite clear last night that I am nothing to you." Chloe laid on her side, staring at the wall.

"I didn't mean it, I messed up." Bellatrix could have sworn she felt tears flow down her face, just as sad as the other girl.

"You've messed up one, too many times, Bella! You acted like I'm nothing, and that's what I am to you." Chloe whispered, unable to raise her voice.

"How do you think I feel? Seeing you with Severus? It hurts. I thought you loved me." Bellatrix choked through sobs, wiping her eyes.

"I did love you, but you made it quite clear that you didn't return the feelings. You'll forget about me soon anyway, after you marry Lestrange." Chloe fiddled with her fingers, getting more confused at this topic.

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