Professor Isaacs

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Bree yawned loudly, stretching her arms high above her head. She slowly opened her eyes, thankful that her dorm was poorly lit-- due to the darkness of The Black Lake. Bree grinned as she thought of her first day of classes. Getting out of bed, she heard a loud groan. It was Bellatrix, her hair was everywhere, seeing as she had so much of it. She smiled brightly at Bree and hopped out of bed.

"RISE AND SHINE, WITCHES!" Bella shouted to the others, earning groans, and a pillow colliding with her face from her sister.

"Bella, must you shout?" Narcissa asked in a sleepy voice.

"I like shouting." Bella replied smugly.

Bree giggled at the pair and tapped Chloe on the shoulder.

"Chloe, time to wake." She said softly, eliciting a snort from Bellatrix.

"Oh, dear, thats not how you wake someone. Watch and learn." She said with a smirk and leaned over Chloe's sleeping form.

What happened next, was disasterous.

"CHLO, WAKE UP!" Bella yelled in the girls ear, making her scream loudly-- surly waking up the entire Slytherin house.

Bella cackled loudly and pranced around the dorm happily. Her sister shook her head in disapproval and walked into the bathroom.

"Merlin's beard, Bella!" Chloe shouted at the curly haired girl, only making her laugh more.

"It was pretty funny, Chloe." Bree said, covering her mouth, trying to prevent the giggles from escaping.

"Bloody hilarious. Let's get ready, I want breakfast." Chloe said, cheeks tinted pink.

Bellatrix and Bree both agreed, pausing their laughter and following Chloe into the bathroom.

Once the girls were ready for the day and dressed in their Slytherin robes, they entered the common room-- meeting Lucius, Severus, and Regulus.

Bree's eyes lit up instantly when she saw Lucius-- he grinned and motioned for her to join him.

"Ready for classes?" He asked, smirking slightly.

"I'm kind of nervous actually." She said shyly and suddenly became very interested in the floor.

"Don't worry, I was nervous too, but all of the teachers are really nice." Lucius assured her, smirking as she met his gaze.

"Except for Professor Isaacs," Bella said and made a face of disgust. "Hes an arse."

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