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Chloe and Bellatrix had arrived at Bree's house, dressed in their best clothing. There was some ball, and the younger ones knew the real reason why. It was to announce Bree's engagement to their defence against the dark arts teacher. All of them knew the situation was fucked up, and wondered if Bree's dad was still sane.

"I'm so glad our parents have agreed to our marriage, I would hate to go through what Bree is having to put up with." Bellatrix gave a look of sympathy, feeling really sorry for the girl.

"Cheer up Bella, I'm sure it's just some sick, twisted joke. Isaacs is like twenty years older than her...we've seen how they act with each other too." Chloe placed a kiss on top of the girls hair, placing a hand on her back.

"We've still got this to come, only our parents know about our engagement." Bellatrix also placed her hand on Chloe's back, them walking through the crowds.

"Well, we'll probably end up telling our friends soon, or they'll guess that we're engaged." Chloe chuckled, resting her head on the girls shoulder.

"Chloe, Bellatrix." Both girls turned around to see Severus standing there.

"Severus, how much did you hear?" Bellatrix asked, pulling Chloe closer to her.

"You're engaged?" Severus said a bit too loud, putting his hands over his mouth.

"Shut up, Severus!" Chloe hushed him, nobody hearing because of the music playing in the background. "Yes we are." Chloe looked at Bella, smiling up at her.

"Congrats, so will you guys be holding some kind of party like this soon?" Severus asked, taking a sip of the drink he was holding.

"Probably, not that we really need to." Bellatrix chuckled, pushing some curls out of her face.

"Why wouldn't you need to? The dark lord seems interested in both of you. You're higher up the table than his own daughter!" Severus practically cheered at the girls, leaving them both confused.

"What's that got to do with us being engaged?" Chloe asked curiously, looking at the Slytherin.

"With you two sitting as high up at the table as possible, he's going to find out, and then everyone will know. You might as well throw a massive party and tell everyone." Severus fiddled with his tie, obviously realising that the three didn't get on well a few months ago, Chloe becoming close with Sev.

"He's right, Chlo." Bella detached herself from Chloe's embrace, standing behind the girl, placing her head on Chloe's shoulder. "But that shouldn't matter." Bella whispered into Chloe's ear, kissing just below the lobe.

"I guess you're right." Chloe shrugged, spinning around and kissing the girl on the lips.

"I'm still here, you know." Severus coughed awkwardly. Bellatrix chuckled, looking at Severus who looked embarrassed.


The party went on, Bree and Lucius had returned to the group. Bree looked a little better than normal, Lucius must have cheered her up.

"Soooooo..." Bree still wasn't her usual self, and it was obvious to anyone in the room. The four of them had retreated to Bree's room, Severus had left earlier on. Chloe and Bella sat at the end of Bree's bed, Her and Lucius at the other end.

"soooo..." Bellatrix mocked back, placing her arm around Chloe's waist. Lucius looked a bit out of place, being the only boy in the room. Bree looked down, fiddling around with a ring on her finger.

"What have you all been up to? it must be better than what happened the other day..." Bree silenced herself, already saying too much - in her opinion.

"uh well," Chloe gave an awkward cough, looking at Bellatrix. "Bella, you tell them." Chloe chuckled, looking down at her lap. She was nervous to tell them - what will they think? She knew they were supportive of their relationship, more Bree than Lucius, but being engaged to a girl was taking it to the next level.

"Honestly Chlo, why are you so embarrassed about it? Anyway, Chloe is too scared to tell you that we are engaged." Bellatrix gave a nervous laugh as Bree and Lucius stared at them in shock.

"Woah, holy shit! Congratulations." Bree said in disbelief. The girls knew Lucius would take a while to take the news in. He really wasn't fond of their relationship.

"How long have you been engaged for? Your parents actually agree to this?" Lucius asked. His tone was more polite than they expected.

"Literally two weeks, and of course they agree with it! My mother wouldn't have helped me choose a ring if she didn't agree." Bellatrix's tone went a little harsh, causing Chloe to wrap her arm around the girl, squeezing her lightly.

"This is amazing." Bree tried to change the conversation, but that never happened with Bellatrix.

"What? Are you jealous that unlike you, I can actually get girls?" Bree had a look of horror on her face. Chloe, on the other hand, looked like she could burst out laughing at any second.

"Bellatrix, you're a lesbian, of course you get girls." Lucius spat back. He looked sort of embarrassed.

"And, so what? She loves me, and at least her family agree with our relationship."

"Woah Bella, that's enough.." Chloe tried to calm the girl down, not wanting any argument to break out.

"What? its true." Bellatrix retorted, sighing.

"Bella, I do love you, I really do, but Lucius and Bree love each other, its just you know how Bree's father is." Chloe sighed, patting Bella's back.

Bree became silent, glaring at Bella. How could she of said that! And right in front of me! She was desperately trying to hold back the tears, but her body wasn't agreeing with her.

"If you'll excuse me..." Said Bree, sniffling as she got off the bed and rushed to the door. Lucius turned to Bella, giving her one of his trademark glares.

"Nice Bella, real fuckin' nice." Lucius spat and went to follow Bree.


Bree was disgusted with Bella's behaviour. She couldn't believe how insensitive the girl could be about the situation and it only made Bree more jealous of what Chloe and her had.

"Bree..." A voice called softly.

"Go away Lucius." Bree replied in a harsh tone. She had had enough.

" know how Bella can-" he was cut off.

"Are you fucking defending her?!"

"No- I - just-"

"Just go. I want to be alone."

"Bree... I-" he was cut off once more, but this time by a deep voice.

"I believe Miss Riddle has asked you to leave."

Both Bree and Lucius turned around, Bree had a look of shock, Lucius looked ready to kill.

"Professor its alright..." Bree started, but Isaacs shushed her.

"No. We need to chat about some things." Said Isaacs, though he didn't look at Bree while he said it. His gaze was fixed upon Lucius. "Mr. Malfoy, I believe I asked you to leave."

Lucius starred at Bree with disbelief, hoping she'd speak up.

"Lucius just go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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