The bet.

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(I wrote this chapter in KFC and some people gave me real odd looks...oops)

After the Death eater meeting had finished, Bellatrix had given Chloe the tightest of hugs, repeating the words 'I'm sorry' over and over again. "Its Okay Bella, it's not as bad as it was at first." but Chloe's arm was still as sore as it was at first. She had cried in front of her parents, showing weakness.

"I know when you're lying." Bellatrix took Chloe's left arm in her hand, tracing the fresh Mark. "It hurts, doesn't it." Chloe nodded shyly, not wanting Bellatrix to fuss over her.

"Let's go find Bree and Lucius, they're probably snogging each other." Bellatrix cackled, nodding at her best friend.

"The first time we met, didn't you say that Malfoy had a crush on Bree?" The four of them were still at Bree's house, spending a few more hours there.

"I did, and you gave me a high-five and said we could be friends." the two walked up to Bree's room, finding it empty.

"Remember that secret we made this morning?" Chloe nodded, chuckling at Bellatrix. "Let's make that two secrets."

Bellatrix closed the gap between them, pressing her lips to Chloe's. The older witch moved closer to the younger, cupping her face with her hands. "Lucius, you owe me a galleon!" Someone called from the hallway. Bree.

The two girls broke away from their kiss quickly. "You what?" Bellatrix blushed crimson. Chloe's cheeks also going red in embarrassment.

"Well Bree and I had a little bet. Bree thought you two would show some kind of...affection. She was right." Lucius said, joining Bree at the doorway.

" very rude." Bellatrix shook her head.

"Well, it is obvious that you like each other, we see how you look at one another." Bree held out her hand, Lucius placing a gold coin in it.

"Yes, Bella, very rude. Very rude that you both interrupted us." Chloe laughed, Lucius looking sort of disgusted.

"Get a room." he walked away, leaving Bree standing there laughing.

"We are in a room, thanks." Bellatrix scoffed.

The three girls talked for a little while longer, talking about going back to school soon. "Chloe, Bellatrix, time to go." both girls looked up, seeing both of their mothers standing there.

"Bye Bree." both girls smirked, hoping Bree would keep their secret.

Both girls left with their mothers, feeling like they could both have a good relationship soon.

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