Time fly's when you're having fun

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The past few months went particularly fast for the two first years, and before they knew it, they were taking final exams.

They had become closer with the three older students, mostly spending time with them, but they had also befriended Fern Weasley, spending time with her too.

Turns out she happened to be quite close with Lily Evans-- the girl of Snapes dreams, and often joined Lily at the Slytherin table for lunch.

Bree and Fern had clicked at once; they had many similar interests, and despite their different views on the wizarding world, they got along great. Chloe was hesitant at first to befriend the red head-- mainly because Bellatrix despised her and wanted Chloe all to herself.

But Chloe liked Fern; there was just something about her.

Bellatrix and Lucius were not keen on their best friends choices to befriend the young Weasley girl, but allowed them to do as they wished.

Bree was more of a best friend to Fern than Chloe; mainly because they spent more time together-- both interested in studying. Chloe was more interested in causing mischief with Bella. But nevertheless, they still classified themselves as a trio.

Another thing the two girls had discovered was their growing dislike for a group called The Marauders.

James Potter was a complete and total arse; his best friend Sirius, though he was an arse as well, Fern seemed to be growing quite close with him-- something Chloe and Bree both strongly disagreed with; considering the shame he brought to the name of Black.

The trio passed their final exams with all outstandings. When the time came for the grand feast, and celebration for the house cup; the Slytherins had lost to the Gryffindors by fifteen points. Chloe and Bree watched Fern and the others jump for joy at their victory! While Lucius and Bellatrix looked as though someone had died.

Bree was happy for her best friend; even if she was in Gryffindor.


Four years later.

Bree's mind was racing.

This was all so sudden; and did she even have a choice?

She always knew her father wasn't quite right-- there was just something off about him; a need for power and nothing else.

Lord Voldemort.

That is what he went by now. He made Bree go by a different last name at Hogwarts-- his middle name, Marvolo. He had also gained a small group of followers, who happened to be a lot of Bree's friends parents.

Bree continued to pace around her room.

Her father wanted her full support; and that meant getting a Dark Mark-- the sign of a Death Eater.

Bree couldn't figure out why she was so bothered by his request. Bellatrix had already received hers, and was very proud to be a part of the cause. And Chloe's father would be getting his tonight, which meant Chloe would get it too.

Why did she feel something in her heart telling her to refuse?


Her best friend in the entire world would never forgive her for this-- and would sure as hell never join her father.

Bree was drawn from her conflicting thoughts by a soft knock at her bedroom door. She slowly approached the door, reaching for the handle.

Lucius Malfoy almost knocked Bree to the floor with his lung crushing embrace. She giggled softly into his shoulder, while he loosened his grip a little, making the embrace something Bree never wanted to end.

"Hi." He whispered, playing with a lock of her hair; making her heart flutter inside her chest.

"Hi." She replied, causing Lucius to laugh along with her.

The pair had always been close; and there was no denying the attraction they felt towards each other. Something about them was just right; it always had been, from the very start.

Bree gazed adoringly at her friend; he hadn't changed much over the years. His beautiful, white blonde hair was now almost to his shoulders.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Lucius asked, breaking the contact between them, Bree let out a small sigh at the loss of him.

"No." She replied, looking to the floor nervously.

Lucius could read her emotions very well, and knew she was having mixed thoughts-- probably because of Fern Weasley. He knew the ginger haired girl would never look at Bree the same way if she went through with her fathers wishes.

Bree was different from the others in her Slytherin group. She had a small spark of light that the others lacked. All of her friends believed and fully supported her father's plans for a better world. Why couldn't she she?

Lucius lifted her chin with a single finger; forcing her to look him in the eyes.

"Whatever you choose, I want you to know, it will not affect the way I feel for you. "

The fifteen year old girl stared into the peircing blue eyes of the boy who held her heart; unsure what to say.

Lucius could feel his heart thumping loudly, as he inched his face closer to Bree's-- watching her eyes close and lean into him.

His lips met hers softly; it felt like fireworks were bursting in the sky.

She placed her hands on his chest lightly, letting her hands roam over his strong form, enjoying the feeling of his lips moving against hers. He brought one hand to the back of her head, pulling her closer, while letting the other hand rest on the small of her back.

Lucius felt the kiss becoming a bit out of hand, and as much as it pained him, he broke the contact; eliciting a whimper from Bree.

He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and then touched her forehead lightly with his; gazing into her eyes.

"Don't worry about tonight; you'll be fine. I promise." He reassured her.

For in that moment, she was blissfully happy; not a worry in the world.

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