Almost Christmas

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As the month of December strolled in, Hogwarts began to get more and more Christmassy. Light snow had fallen over the grounds, giving the castle a more magical feel than usual. A tree had been brought in by the gamekeeper, some of the professors helping decorate it. The ghosts were also in the spirit, singing Christmas carols as the floated by. All the students were happy; it was a great time to be at Hogwarts.

The Yule ball was in just over a week, everyone getting excited for that. Bellatrix and Chloe were more than happy, both glad to be friends again - and an official couple. Tonight was also the slug club's Christmas dinner, all the group being invited.

"I'm glad we won't have a repeat of last time." Bellatrix chuckled, pinning some of her hair back in a bun. The older girl had opted for a dark green lace dress that reached her knees, while the younger girl had opted for a peach lace dress that flowed to her ankles.

"Hmm...I could always jump across the table and grab your hair again, if you like?" Chloe chuckled, applying some pink lipstick.

"I'll pass on that one, love." Bellatrix walked behind the girl, hugging her around the waist. "So beautiful." Bellatrix kissed the girls neck, making the other girl chuckle.

"I know you are, Bella." Chloe span around, hugging onto the girl tightly. "I love you." Chloe felt bad that she couldn't kiss the girl because she didn't want to cover her in lipstick, but those three words did it for Bellatrix.

"I love you," Bellatrix brushed her fingertips against the girls face, planting a light kiss on her forehead. "Now, hurry, the others are probably waiting for us!" Bellatrix practically pulled the girl out of the bathroom, down into the common room.

"Finally, the lovebirds made it." Lucius looked at the girls. He still wasn't exactly fond of their relationship, but didn't make any comments about it. Bree was clutched at his side, wearing a dark blue dress that faded into light blue at the end. It looked absolutely stunning on her, complementing her figure very well.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late!" Severus said, leading the way. Chloe had her arms linked with Bellatrix, both walking next to each other.

As they reached the classroom the party was held in, they noticed a very happy Professor Slughorn waiting at the door. "Ah, you all made it! Come on in, come on in." he motioned to Severus, Bree and Lucius. As he saw Chloe and Bellatrix, his face changed expressions. He didn't know if to smile or frown. "Girls, hope there's not going to be a repeat of last time?" He chuckled nervously.

"No, Professor. Things have changed since then." Chloe smiled, the professor motioning them to come inside. Bellatrix clung onto her girlfriend, showing she was hers and only hers.

"Fern!" Chloe greeted the red head, her dressed in a beautiful white gown, covered in jewels. "You look beautiful!" The girls embraced in a hug, Bellatrix looking rather jealous.

"Chloe! So do you! Bellatrix." the girl gave the older witch a nod, knowing Bellatrix doesn't really associate with her kind - the blood traitors.

They were interrupted by someone tapping on a water goblet, the girls turning their heads to see the professor smiling. "Welcome to the Slug Clubs Christmas dinner! It's wonderful to see you all again, you all look wonderful! Now, if you'll all sit down, food will be served soon." The girls sat down, Chloe and Bellatrix sitting right at the end of the table. Narwaal, who was introduced at the last dinner, sat opposite the pair with her date. Lily and Fern sat together, Severus far away from the pair.

"Well, this is fun." Bellatrix whispered to Chloe, making her giggle. Students in older years brought around trays of food, placing them in front of the girls. Slughorn had chosen the traditional Turkey dinner with all the trimmings, everyone tucking in.

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