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(T.W. Throwing up)

"Oh no" I speak groggy from just waking up from a night out with my friends I roll over hoping that their is no random girl in my bed and it's my girlfriend, I take a deep breath and turn around to see Scarlett staring at me "hey baby" she whispers softly, "phew it's you" I whisper and she laughs kissing my forehead "what time did I get in" I say as I sit up in the bed feeling my head "1 in the morning" she speaks,caressing my cheek "did I make too much noise ?" I groan thinking about the alcohol I consumed "just as usual,you stumbled in trying to get to the alcohol cupboard but then I stopped you and then you stared to strip in the garden" she giggles, "great baby" I say sarcastically, "need water ?" She asks and I slowly nod my head "and cuddles ?" I ask with a smile and she rolls her eyes "of course baby" she says walking away,I smile at the fact I can call Scarlett mine.

she shortly comes back with everything I need "hey gorgeous,I have some tablets,water and guess what ?" She speaks excitedly "what ?" I ask curiosity taking over me, "I got.....popcorn" she speaks cutely "oh you are the best" I say kissing her lips softly,she backs away immediately "I can taste the vodka on you" she says I'm disgust of the taste of vodka lingering in her mouth, "now you know how I feel" I groan at the taste as I swallowed, "brush your teeth and then I can give you the stuff for your head,and watch movies all of today" she speaks setting up the t.v for us "okay thank you" I say slowly and she leans over and kisses my cheek "now go hurry I wanna kiss you properly" she demands and I laugh.

As I got out of the bed a wave hit me and I stumble towards the bathroom "Scar I don't feel to good you know" I speak getting a sick feeling, "what's up ? You going to be sick" she speaks coming over by my side "bingo" I blurt out before I bend down to the toilet,I groan as I am being sick into the toilet,Scarlett comes to my side and holds my hair, "just let it all out" she speaks calmly as she is soothing my back rubbing it in a circular motion, sweat is forming on my forehead as I continue to empty out literally all of my stomach "I'm sorry" I whimper as I collapse on the floor to lean my frail body against the wall "why are you sorry ?" Scarlett asks me as she is running a cloth under the warm water,she bends down and looks at my face smiling softly "I made a mess" I whisper as I don't have enough strength to speak properly,she gently wipes my mouth as she speaks "don't be so silly,you didn't make a mess" she stands up and starts the bath "you get yourself all cleaned when I make some phone calls" she kisses my head and walks out.

I slowly take off my clothes and get into the warm bubble bath and relax my body into the water,as I'm reading my book as my phone will just make my headache 10 times worse,Scarlett walks in with a coffee "darling it's time to get out" she says grabbing a big towel for me,I step out of the bath and walk into the towel,she wraps it around my wet body as she finishes she kisses the top of my head "brush your teeth now,I'll be in bed waiting" she says and slaps my butt walking out "I'll get you back for that" I speak referring to her smacking me,I quickly brush my teeth and walk into the bedroom seeing Scarlett with her hands out for me to fall Into her embrace, I fall into her and she giggles,bringing the blanket up,I decided to tease her by  calling her Scarjo as she thinks it's a lazy thing to say "thanks scarjo" I speak into her side and I feel her tense up "what did you just call me ?" She asks checking for I said what I said "I said thank you Scarjo" I repeat casually "oh god don't start calling me that" she groans putting her head on her hands,I stifled out a laugh but followed with a groan from my head, "here take these" Scarlett speaks handing me some painkillers before she handed them over she pulled her hand back "what's my name ?" She asks doing her signature smirk "ughh it's Scarlett now give me them" I groan and she hands them over kissing my lips "thank you Scarlett" I smile snuggling into her side.

"remind me to never drink again" I mumble as my eyes are falling down "we both know you never mean that" she smiles playing with my hair "yeah I know" I sigh,I throw my leg in between hers and rest my hand on her breasts rolling over slightly, "I might sleep" I say into the crook of her neck "when do you want me to wake you up love ?" She asks still playing  with my hair "maybe in an hour" I speak and she kisses my face all over "mhm gross" I mumble as sleep is growing on me,she laughs a bit and kisses my lips softly and pulls away, "night princess" she softly whispers as I feel her putting on a movie for herself.



Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shot images Where stories live. Discover now