6: feather

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TRIGGER WARNING: slight smut if you squint (?)



Asea hates Fiona. Right then and there, that's what Asea was thinking. It was simply because she's beautiful and won the genetic lottery which is quite unfair since, how could you hate someone just because they're beautiful?

This adds up to the overflowing reasons as to why she hates herself. She's mean and judgmental and she hates herself for that but she kept it in. Always managed to keep it in.

Trey guided Fiona to stand up as she almost loses her balance but Trey holds her up so she didn't. Fiona murmured thanks and Azrael saw Asea going to the room already, shutting the door behind her. "Maybe we can ask her questions tomorrow, she seemed tired," Yasser told them and their gazes at each other were enough agreement. Em let her borrow a shirt and shorts while she showers in their room. She was silent but it's probably because she's still trying to get used to the new place. And when she was done, Em and Aeria fixed the third room for her to stay in for a while.

She didn't say anything even when they closed the door. Come to think of it, she never really acknowledged Em and Aeria directly, just Yasser. And Trey. It was weird but maybe she's not just used around people.



Jace thinks the day Fiona came in, everything got weirder. That morning, he woke up earlier than usual so he started cooking breakfast for everyone. They woke Fiona up and she ate only a little as she started talking without them really asking. "I was in the train station that night when someone chloroformed me." The silence was still but it was full of tension. It wasn't like how they were taken, with a smoke bomb.

"When I woke up, I was here." Her eyes are afraid and it might be the first time they saw her afraid since last night. She was nervous for a split second last night, stuttering when she asked where she was but other than that, she was pretty relaxed. Then, maybe, it sank into her that she was kidnapped. Somehow, someway, he feels bad for the girl. A few weeks ago, he was in that exact position, too, not knowing what to do.

"You were wearing that?" Asea asked, her eyes nonchalant but firm as she looks at the girl. Fiona slightly flinched that Asea seemed too serious but she shook her head. "Were your scent blockers working that night?" Ethan asked, his voice serious but a little gentle. Maybe he's cautious that the girl was just chosen randomly when scent blockers are used for everyone to appear as if they're betas.

It's still a mystery for all of them as to why they were perfectly chosen as such, five omegas and five alphas, it's too perfect of timing to kidnap random young adults only to find out they're alphas and omegas. On second thought, is their second gender the reason why they're here? Maybe it's just a coincidence. Maybe it isn't.

His eyes caught Ourie looking, slightly smiling at him as he just glanced at him then back to Fiona. The whirring has come back and it needs to shut up now because he's focusing hard on trying to answer all the questions on his head. He's been trying to avoid thinking too much these past few weeks but having Fiona triggered the urge to think again and not just focus on 'taking the hint.'

"I...can't remember. I was alone--"

He heard an index then the middle finger crack and even without looking back, he knows who has that habit among them, Asea. When she's serious, she's not really scary but they take her seriously, like when they were in high school and she's asking for them to get serious so they will. Not like they've seen her get mad but they wouldn't want to see that. She bottles a lot of things, so seeing her too serious right now, and actually expressing her irritation (since cracking her fingers is unconscious for her and even when they ask her if she's fine, she would say she is even if she's not) right now unnerves them. "You can feel it when the drug wears off from you. You were chloroformed, not hit in the head, surely, if you can remember that you were alone and that you were chloroformed, you'll remember if your scent blockers wore off."

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