18: invoke

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trigger warning: verbal abuse



"Go to sleep, Aeria. It's still too early." Yasser told her. Aeria didn't answer. It's not just Asea who hates Azrael, it's also Roo who seemed to have started a war between their group and the alphas. With all this happening, it's almost as if they reached their limit today. Azrael burst out, Roo...dunno.

She thinks Yasser, being the one protective over his friends, also hates them now. After all, that happened. There are times when she has no idea about someone's existence but if her friends got hurt because of that someone, then she would inevitably hate them, too.

He tossed the towel towards his luggage and sat down on the bed. They didn't even talk, they just somehow agreed on the fact that they're sharing beds. Not that it mattered so much, since she had experience laying down next to Roo and Jace. Yet, Yasser isn't Roo and Jace. Yes, they're friends but sleeping side by side is a little... "Are you thinking about what happened a while ago?"

She just hummed as a response, staring at the ceiling and trying not to think too much. And failing inevitably. "I'm sorry about Azrael." Wait. What. Why is he saying sorry for Azrael? How he acted is expected and totally called for. However, he's wrong about making his anger directed towards Asea.

"Azrael's a lot more like Ethan. Emotionally constipated. Their emotions come out in all the wrong places and time because they're bottling it up." She looked back at him. He had laid down on his side of the bed and Aeria's too preoccupied with thinking what to feel on all that happened to feel weird about this.

"Are they always like that?"

"Couldn't blame them. Their parents are both physically and emotionally absent. As if money can replace everything their children need." Akio's much stronger than Azrael then. She feels bad for Azrael, Akio, and Ethan. Imagine living a rich life but with missing parents. "That's...neglect."

"Yeah, it is. Azrael's worse when we were kids. Akio kept dragging him out of his room to drop him at our house. Ethan was also the most silent among the four of us but he made friends with Azrael." A small smile painted his lips and Aeria smiled at the thought of those two emotionally constipated alphas being friends. "They're best friends?"

"Yeah, they're the closest. They can control each other well and Ourie and Trey's afraid of the two." She laughed at that. "I mean...who wouldn't?" Yasser laughed. And somehow, she feels relieved that he did. The air's lighter.

"They have quite the temper, yeah," Ourie told her that he's scared at Yasser the most. He's really scary when he's mad, Ourie said. And Aeria's kinda curious at Yasser getting mad. Though he could hear Yasser shout at Ourie and Trey when they're too noisy and glaring at both Ethan and Azrael when they're too salty, she thinks that wasn't the most that Ourie's talking about. Almost like a Dad and the middle to the spectrum ends ranging from chaotic simps to salty shits.

"You're the sanest one among them." He shook his head fast, making her smile.

"No, I'm not. You know, I'm not." Yeah, Aeria knows he isn't, on how dork he is, and scary when he just shouts (proving her theory right that he's in the middle of the spectrum) still, he's the sanest.

"Are you the eldest?"

"Unfortunately." Oh. Aeria tried not to smile at the fact that she's the youngest in their group, too. Coincidence? I think not.

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