9: rot

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There was something wrong. Definitely wrong. Aeria could feel it on the numerous times he sighed, on the random moments his hand would tighten around his knee and his eyes lost to space. She found Yasser in their room, sitting beside the drawer, against the wall, his legs outstretched, not making a move nor acknowledgment when she sat down next to him.

And so, she didn't bother talking to him. Yet. She looks back at him again, silently cursing herself for not being able to know how to properly comfort someone without cringing at herself. Though she wants to, really wants to.

She thinks it's because of Asea and Ourie's theory and the high possibility of it making sense and actually happening. She didn't want to think too much about it though she would be a hypocrite if she wouldn't admit to herself that somehow, she got excited at the fact that they were meant to fuck each other.

Yes, yes, she knows that he's bonded with an omega already and he probably sees her as a little sister like every other crush she had who she have the luck in getting close to (proves her that she'll always be everyone's baby sister and she's fine. She's fine.) but still, at least a part of her, probably bigger than her left femur can't help but hope that maybe, just maybe... Aeria Su somehow exists?

And no, she doesn't condone stealing boyfriends at all but...fuck, she wants him. She's fallen deeper than the recommended falling limit. It's just been weeks but he's the only sun she looks forward every day to see. Not just because he's a distraction but...but the past few weeks involved them making their own world that only the both of them understand and if that's not both beautiful and pathetic, she had no idea what is.

Aeria's at the barrel, scraping the bottom for more and more and the worst thing is, there's always fucking more. More reasons to fall in love with him. More reasons to wake up. More reasons to face the hell hole head-on knowing she's not alone.

It's the way he laughs heartily even at her corniest jokes. It's the little curses he mouths when he's losing, ruining the supposed good guy facade of his as he says sorry multiple times until he realizes two days later that it's perfectly fine to curse around her. It's him slapping his hand on the left side of his face when he can't believe something. It's the chasing Trey and Ourie when they try to annoy him. It's the furrowing of his eyebrows when she somehow slips a self-deprecating joke or two as a habit and the firm warning on his eyes to stop. It's the stares while she concentrates on her next move then looking away in embarrassment as he whispers that she looks pretty. It's the sudden scream when they both blush in embarrassment to get them back to normal as she doubles over in laughter.

It's the cliche it'll be alright but it's entirely new if it's him and she actually believes him. It's the random pokes on her hand and arm, and left cheek like a cute kid asking for attention or just being annoying which she always welcomes.

It's the listing most of his habits that she hates herself more for staying. This is making her feel like the bad guy here and yet all she wants is to stay and be special...even if she's another younger sister to him. Even though a part of her, much bigger than her left femur wants him more than the obvious.

Is it so wrong to ask for more? Yeah, definitely. But still, is it really wrong? Yes. Fuck, this is hopeless.

"Aeria." His voice is quite hoarse, maybe from not speaking for a while. He looked at her and her heart was crushed into too many little pieces seeing his sad eyes. She wants to hug him, badly. Do it, do it.

And she did. His body's really warm but her heart almost stopped when his head leaned on her head as his arms hug her back. Fuck. She closed his eyes on the warmth his body is giving her as he realized that this isn't that hopeless.

limbo and coffeeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें