7: bitten

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No one's

"Ethan!" Trey shouted. It was fast, Yasser and Trey held his arms and put him down. But see, an alpha in a rut is way stronger than a normal alpha as it is. And so, it wasn't surprising that when he struggled and tried to get back to the bed, Yasser and Trey who are both admittedly strong, nearly let go because he quickly goes feral.

His eyes got red in anger as he growled, a warning to take their filthy hands off of him or he'll break them. An alpha in rut forgets friends and family aside from their mate. They're engulfed with their primal instincts and they're automatically a threat for getting him away from his mate.

"Roo's bitten!" Aeria said, who was about to walk towards the room even with an alpha going feral by the doorway if it weren't for Azrael stopping her. "Ourie, beat him up," Azrael commanded. Ourie's eyes widened and were about to shake his head but when they saw Ethan pushing Yasser down the floor to punch him repeatedly, he cursed and run towards them. "Don't kick him!" Azrael said, his eyes looking around. Trey was shoved hard against the wall that's why he got the chance to hurt Yasser. He needs to stop his friends from killing each other.

"Oh shit." Ourie kicked Ethan but it was to no avail. Apparently, Ourie who seemed like a playful and cool guy who can beat anyone up if they want to doesn't want to fight. Ethan turned to him and got the chair and throw it towards Ourie. He was nearly hit. Azrael grabbed a nearby vase and was about to hit him on his head to make him sleep but Em kicked a scattered hardbound book on their room towards Asea who was checking Roo and she already used that to hit Ethan hard on the head. It wasn't enough, of course, but it distracted him for Trey to hold on to his neck from the back and wrestle him down.

Trey laid back and hugged him tight to stop him from fucking moving. "Let me go!" He growled, and Aeria and Jace who was just observing almost felt like baring their neck in submission in gripping fear just seeing an alpha going feral.

"Fuck you, Ethan! Shut up!" Ourie said, glaring at his friend before Azrael motioned for Trey to let him go. As soon as he lets him go, he turned over to beat the shit out of Trey now but a sickening crack of the vase on his head filled the house and Ethan dropped down to Trey who closed his eyes in tiredness. "Fuck. What just happened?" Trey said loudly, pushing his friend off of him as Yasser didn't mind his bruised cheek and eye and Azrael who just hit the vase on Ethan's head helped Ethan up towards their bedroom. "He's in his rut," Yasser confirmed, feeling the feverish temperature of his friend.

"Rut? That's why he forced himself on Roo?" Ourie asked, worriedly looking at Roo as his friends got out of the room. "Let's tie him up." Azrael decided. "No. Why would you tie him up?" Fiona asked, scandalized.

"He'll beat us up when he wakes up," Trey said, stretching a little as he holds on the footboard of Roo's bed. Aeria and her friends got to Roo who passed out because of the bite. "Fuck. Roo...if...if his body doesn't accept the bite, he might die." Aeria started stopping the bleeding of the bite. They weren't in their right minds. They barely knew each other and no matter where they see this, they were pushed by their feverish instincts and it was non-consensual.

Or maybe it is consensual, just, they're both half-awake when they did it. Just thinking about the fact that they both triggered each other's heat is, okay, romantic and worthy of any soulmate au, but then it still boils down to the fact that it's lust-driven. See, an omega to get triggered with someone's heat, he has to be attracted to it on his conscious, waking moments for it to spark a fire on his stomach and be it a heat-inducing scent. Of course, an omega has a wide array of scents around him and anytime, a whiff of scent from their friend lying around can trigger them. This means, for him to get triggered in the first place by Ethan's specific scent has floored them.

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